My 20 week scan today


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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The baby is fit and healthy. I had to empty my bladder and have a walk as they couldn't get it to move it's arm from behind it's head to check it properly.

And I found out the sex. I was convinced it was a boy, all the old wive's tales said it was and the heartbeat was 144 so I thought that would make it a boy........


Another baby Ella :p

The chinese charts I did both said it was going to be a girl, so I guess they were accurate :)

Am really really chuffed :D
CONGRATUALTIONS!! That's great news. I'm having mine a week on Thursday, counting down the days - I can't wait!!

I have to wait 4 weeks untill mine and i cant wait. I keep thinking im having a boy and it would be a lovely surprise to know i was having a girl!!
congratulations hun, another baby Ella, what will her middle name be?

The chinese things worked for me too, the ones where you type in date of conception ect were correct and said it was a girl, but the ones where it is a chart and you go along the month of conception and the mothers age was wrong and said boy.

glad everything is ok, try and post pic, i need 2 post mine x x x
Grace I think :D

The pic is of her face, therefore is quite freaky! :shock: :lol:

I need to take a pic of it and upload it.
Awww lovely well done mate!! Glad she is all healthy and well. I was convinced I was having a boy but I bet it will be girl to prove me wrong! Funny how you get these 'feelings'.

Well pleased for you hunnie - can't wait to see the pictures! xxx
Ella Grace, thats the middle name I also liked, but we gone for Ella Nicole. are you feeling much movement, im feeling alot now its amazing x
Some days she seems more active than others - she's not been as active today. I think she must be quite low down as when I have felt her it's been really low, almost where I'd imagine my cervix to be.
When I wake up and turn over in the night she normally gives me a kick, but then she's probably the one who woke me up in the first place! :lol:
Oh and I really like Nicole, it goes together really nicely :)
iv felt kicks relly low down, the past few days though they seem to be a bit higher. so she must be getting big or she's flipped around. I get a kick in the night too when I turn over! she is most active when i wake in the morning,and in the evenong when im sat watchin telly, or after iv eaten. its cute :)

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