My 20 week scan on Tuesday 1st April!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Hi all :wave:

I have my 20 week scan on Tuesday, I am very excited but also nervous as I have lots of questions for the consultant regarding a home birth :think: :think:

I am about 80% sure I will find out what team I will be in too :cheer:

The results for my local maternity unit in the hospital were not too good - they had 4 closures and are still turning women away due to lack of midwives - how frightening for those ladies

Anyway, thanks to Sherlock and a few others I have researched home birth quite allot and I have no doubts in my head about having one. I will listen to everything that my consultant tells me and if she strongly - and I mean strongly - advises against one then I won't.

Anyway, hope all you girls are well and thanks for listening!!!
Is there any reason why you shouldnt have one????

My consultant won't let me have one as my first born was a section baby due to him going into distress and my 2nd was born vbac with assistance(forceps delivery) and then my 3rd was born vbac with assistance (ventoise) so because of that my cons is very reluctant to let me labour at home but I don't mind too much.

Good luck with your scan.
Oooh my! Not long to wait!! How exciting :D

Can't wait for the pics! xx
Yay have fun at your scan :cheer: Fxed they let you go the home birth route too :D
bowmanzoo said:
Is there any reason why you shouldnt have one????

My consultant won't let me have one as my first born was a section baby due to him going into distress and my 2nd was born vbac with assistance(forceps delivery) and then my 3rd was born vbac with assistance (ventoise) so because of that my cons is very reluctant to let me labour at home but I don't mind too much.

Good luck with your scan.

I had an emergency section and required a blood transfusion, but I was told that if I delivered normally after this then I could have a home birth - this was while I was living in Ireland I was given this info.

I saw my midwife a few weeks ago and she told me that I wouldn't have one, so conflicting advice :think: :think:

Thanks for your good luck wishes, I will post the pics when I get them, I 'll spend between now and Tues getting my head around how too!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Big hugs Danni :hug: :hug: hope you keeping well!!
Due to the section they may be very reluctant to give you a home birth. Remember that everywhere differs with the way they opporate but i've always been told they probably won't give me a home birth mainly because of the section but also because of the assisted deliveries. However lots of women go on to have home births after sections so get googling and collect all the evidence you need to take to your consultant for a home birth. At the end of the day if you're that set on having one then nothing can stop you if you know what I mean.
2 more days - exciting...
Good luck with the scan and I hope you get support for your home birth.

I'd love one but I apart of me is worried in case anything goes wrong. So it's a hospital birth for me again this time.

Lots of friends of mine have had wonderful home birth experiences, stick to your guns!!!
i have my anomoly scan on tuesday too! i can NOT wait! :D

hope all goes well cant wait to see pictures!
Hey Moya, I have my 20 week scan on tuesday too!! Fingers crossed you get the news you want. I had a private scan a couple of weeks ago which answered most of my questions about baby, but still really looking forward to seeing her again! Let us know how you get on. Will you be finding out which team youre on? x
How exciting!!! :cheer: Have a wonderful scan, looking forward to seeing the pics :hug: Very best wishes :hug:

On the homebirth issue, you don't need permission to have a homebirth, if you have had a previous c-section then its very different as there's possible complications that could arise that wouldn't normally. I'd just say be prepared to hear one side of labour ie what can go wrong, as that's the consultants job, but also know within yourself what you want and do that :hug: EVERY birth is different, your previous births are not an indication as to what your next one will be and being your first they cannot suggest what will happen either :hug:

We had that consultant visit but ultimately if you go in with knowledge on your side they will see how prepared you are, if thats your choosing. Hospital is always a secondary option and so don't feel one choice negates the other :hug: I'm sure Sherlock offered the following links too :hug:
Hi girls :wave:

I'm excited :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Don't think I can sleep!!! He he

Thanks for all the advice yes Redshoes, Sherlock gave me those links but thank you too :hug: :hug:

Hi Lisa :wave: hope you well, I've decided to find out what team I'll be in I'd like to be prepared this time as I've only had one summer babe,

Oh I feel like it's Christmas Eve - is that sad????? :oops:

Will report back tomorrow, off to try to get some sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Oh my god! How are you girls going to sleep tonight?!

I'm really excited for you all :cheer: xxx
so theres 3 of us having scans today! :cheer:

good luck girls cant wait to find out what team your on! xxxx
good luck- hope the sonographer doesn't april fool you and tell you the wrong team!


Good Luck to you all having scans today, cant wait to find out xxx

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