My 1st pregnancy and i'm clueless advice needed please


New Member
Jun 8, 2007
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Blessings to you all.

A background of my fertility struggle:

I am 23 years old, I have been married five years (nearly six) but have been with my Dear Husband for seven years, we have been trying for a child for 5-6years. I have tubal issues, and the Dr's/Ob's/Gyn's uinformed me I was never going to fall pregnant naturally.

I believe in mind over matter so began yoga, meditation and thinking positive throughout the rollercoaster struggle of infertility.

My OB laughed at me when i told him i believe in mind over matter..
i was placed on a three year waiting list for IVF treatment, by the time I reached the top of the list, My husand and I concieved naturally.

I am now nearly in my third trimester and my OB/GYN cannot believe I am expecting a child as my tubes were completely blocked, somehow my miracle baby bypassed the tubes. :cheer:

I didn't know expecting until I was 6weeks and I'm now nearly in my 2nd trimester, I need as much help as possible in regards to what I should be doing and what i should not be doing throughout my pregnancy. I do take folic acid.. avoid caffeine, etc.. i know i'm not supposed to take Vit A but what else? Thank you all so much for reading my long first post and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

aw.. what a story! i think just eat healthy.. perhaps switch to a pregnancy multi vit and stop taking just folic acid as it will be in the pregnancy vit will be benificial. most pregnancy vitamines contain iron, which i think is needed all the way through and definatly at the end of pregnancy where you could become anemic and risk where you will be able to give birth. good luck and congratulations!
congratz hun (wot do doctors know) they sed the same thing with me, for a different reason tho.
u take folic acid up 2 12 wks. after that just make sure u eat healthy to keep your strenth up. i wouldnt worry on the too much caffine and foods not to eat.
i drank my usual cups of teas, i ate eggs (i love em so much) etc and still gave birth to a 71b 7 oz baby (totally healthy).
im sure the midwife can give u advice, then its up to you wot u decide.

i done believe in everything the doctors say but thats personal preference.

just take it easy, no stress pleanty of fruit and veg im sure u will be fine.
thank you for the replies :D much appreciated. I do not believe in what Dr's say anymore, we know our bodies better than anyone else right? :wink:

What vitamins do you all reccomend?

what benefits/financial assistance is a working expectant mother entitled to?

what grants? I heard about sure start and Child Trust Fund..

Any free stuff? :rotfl: lol 8)

thanks for the warm welcome ladies :hug:
you can get multi viamins fro pregnancy from most shops, mine is from boots but does have the folic acid in it. doinds like your past teh stage where you need it now tbh. congrats!
you get child tax credits and if your workin, workin tax credit.
child benefit
and you are entitled to a grant to buy bby stuff all this u sort out at the social.

although with the tax credits and child benefit, u need to fill out the forms after your child is born, as u need to provide a copy of the birth certificate.

with vitamins, any brand will do but i suugest only taking vitamin c. coz other vitamins can be harmful to an unborn if too much is in your system. Iron tablets are good to keep your strenth up to and help not to become anemic which is common in a pregnancy.
CONGRATULATIONS :dance: I am so happy for you honey. It just shows what positive thinking can do. xxx

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