MW Today - High BP


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Been to see MW this morning everythings fine apart from high BP (130/85), she took it twice and it didnt come down so is coming to my house next thursday to see me and it hopefully will have gone down then :pray: urine is clear so thats good but does explain the dots in my eyes as my BP has been creeping up in the past few weeks.

Heads engaged and shes in a good position so MW said judging from the strong BHs and pains ive been getting it might not be too much longer but u never know! She also said that I have a lovely bump which was nice to hear :)

I discussed SPD with her and that im feeling really depressed because of it and she said that she will see how we go over next few weeks but possibly get me booked in for an induction so that I don't go too far over my due date, so im pleased about that. She's also advised me to see my GP about feeling depressed as I have a history of depression so need to keep a close eye on things, she said doc may put me on anti depressants but will see what he says as dont really wanna have to have them again.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Heads engaged and shes in a good position so MW said judging from the strong BHs and pains ive been getting it might not be too much longer but u never know! She also said that I have a lovely bump which was nice to hear

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hope the blood pressure settles :hug:

Might not be much longer though :shock: :cheer:
exactly the same was said to me last week. i was told she didn't think id be going to my next mw appointment on the 28th so depressed myself jodie a real handfull and can't walk propperly. I was told my baby was bigger than average. I keep getting contractions long strong and close for hours and then they stop im so depressed myself. hang in their honey they wont be long and the sleeplesss nights will strt lol.
My BP Was 138/94.. Then 150/90 But After Relaxing & Resting It Just Settled Again To 120/78.

It Could Just Be The Stresses Of Christmas etc.. Take It Easy :)
actually jo your bp isnt very high...

140/90 is on the low side of high in preg..try n chill.. xxxx but whohoww bout going early.. wanna race?
lisa&alex said:
but whohoww bout going early.. wanna race?

Nooo im not ready for her yet lmao, nah i am really but not pinning my hopes on her arriving early cos dont wanna be disappointed :)
Put your feet up lady and relax. Just think - there aint too much longer to go and fingers crossed she may even come a little early - woo woo! :hug: :hug:

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