MW has scared me senseless!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Had my 39 wk appt yesterday.
I am soooo big now that I asked her about having a sweep (i know im not 40 wks yet, but was only 5 days off it).
She winked at me and said if i was to tell her i was having tightnenings that she could do it.

So she did it, and then whilst saying he is no longer back to back (yey!) he is about 9.5 lbs and could be a 10lbs which means he could get stuck when trying to pass my pubic bone (nooo) and his head is still little high, so if my waters break in next few days and i see the cord hang out from my foof, that i need to get on the floor, stick my bum in the air and call 999 straight away (WTF!!??). She then said she didnt want to worry me but at same time I need to be aware how to deal with it so he still gets oxygen.

So all I can think is how im gonna be ripped to shreds or he will get stuck which might lead to forceps/ c section, and that we might have an emergency if I see a cord!

Want him out coz im jus so heavy and scared that the longer he is in there the bigger he will get, but at same time im not bricking it about the actual labour. Failed at perenium massage as i just couldnt handle the pain of it, so ive not helped myself out at all!
Oh hun :hugs: definatley not the best way to get info across is it, don't worry chick I think everything is gonna be fine, the midwife said to me that harry is gonna be massive and scared the crap out of me, just think about how lovely it's going to be holding ur LO in ur arms xxx hope everything goes well for you
Cord prolapse is more common if there's too much water cos it gets swept out with the tsunami, if you are mainly baby or normal water there's not much of a risk but at least you know what to do if the worst should happen hun.

Try not to panic. Being told these things isn't nice but knowledge is power xxxxxxxxxx
thanks ladies, yeh im just a natural worrier anyway so it didnt help, mainly worried that he will completely rip me apart and i will never be the same down there, i didnt even think to put epo down there or anything, ive just assumed that we are built to do it, forgetting that we werent built for such big babies to come out!
You'll be surprised hun what your body can manage. A hundred years ago you'd have been in labour with just a couple of untrained women and a bottle of scotch to help you lol
OMG ! Not surprised you are scared :( I'm sure everything will be fine. I have similar worries about the babies size and if one more person makes a joke about having a big baby cause i'm overdue i swear i wont be responsible for my actions !!! i'm just over a week overdue being induced Friday. Good luck x
Jeez it scared me just reading it :eek: x
oh you poor thing thats not a nice thing to hear!! but at least you have the advice JUST in case, but as BB has said its not that common. some midwives just like people to be prepared for everything! she probably tells all her ladies that!!

and they can be very wrong about babies weight, but if you're still worried speak to BevG, she just had her little girl and she was 10lbs 14oz and she survived :D
They told me the same re cord prolapse as I had too much fluid, but they did say it's very unlikely to happen. I wanted to know the ins and outs and thats when they told me about the bum in the air scenario! In my case, my waters didn't go until about 5 mins before she came out! I'm sure all will be fine and they don't always get the size right!! xx
I was told the exact same thing. By 41 weeks Henry still hadn't engaged, so I prepared myself for a big baby and the possibility of a section. I'm glad I did because that's exactly what happened. They had to break my waters in theatre incase the cord prolapsed, and had 3 people pushing on my bump to engage his head as the consultant who broke my waters tried to guide his head into my pelvis from the inside :shock: I didn't manage I get past 4cm dilated as his head wouldn't come down to apply the pressure needed so they decided a section was best for me and for him.

Wasn't as bad as it sounds, but I'd definitely prepare urself for a section just incase, that way u won't be disappointed if it does happen.

I'm sorry but I don't want to scare u, this was just my experience but everything had worked out well. My little dude is gorgeous and the recovery from a section isn't at all like I had been told about or read about. It's been near enough pain free and I'm actually surprised I feel as well as I do.
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thanks guys. yeh i really dont want a c section, but if it has to happen then so be it!

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