MW has cancelled appointment


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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My MW appointment tomorrow has been cancelled due to the snow. Can't say I'm really surprised.

It's been 3 weeks since my last appointment though. At my last appointment my bump was measuring 3cm behind, I also know from weighing myself at home that I've gained no weight in 6 weeks, I might even have lost some :( My sickness has been horrendous this week.

Can I go to the docs instead do you think? Will they be able to give me a quick ante-natal type check and do anything about my worries about lack of bump growth and weight gain?

Is the lack of weight gain something I do need to worry about? During the course of preg I've gone from a size 14 maternity stuff to a size 10 :( xx
eventually the sickness will stop and you wil gain the weight back on try not to worry to much but if you are really worried speak to your doc but go after the snow has cleared you dont want to fall like i did today :( x
eventually the sickness will stop and you wil gain the weight back on try not to worry to much but if you are really worried speak to your doc but go after the snow has cleared you dont want to fall like i did today :( x

The sickness won't stop until baby is born I don't think. I've already lost 2 stone since I got pregnant. I think I might need to go to hospital again for rehydration so need my urine checking for ketones asap :(

Hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell :hug: xx
i was only pregnant for 2 weeks but things can trigger ie if i go near smelly things that turns my stomach depends on the person really.

hope you dont need to go hospital either :( and i did hurt myself on my back/shoulders side of the belly on the left. I couldnt move at first hubby had to drag me up if i hadnt of moved for awhile an cars that wont of been able to stop it could of been alot worse.

i used to like the snow now its just the ice i hate lolx
I'd give your doctor a call and see if someone can see you - I'm sure there's nothing to worry about but it's definitely worth getting checked and I'm sure they'll understand why you'd want to see someone :hug:
Katy if I were you I would defo contact your doctor or hospital for peace of mind :hug: I honestly don't know anything about weight gain during pregnancy.. It makes sense with your sickness and everything but can understand where you would get a bit worried :hug: If they were happy 3 weeks ago with you and bump I would try to keep that in mind and make an app for a check up to make sure everything is how it should be, let us know how you got on xo
Yeah I'd pop to the GP. They might not measure you but they can at least do your BP and urine until you can see the MW.
Couldn't get a doctors appointment anyway. Apparently only one doctor has made it in to work so they're swamped. Rearranged MW for tues so might just have to manage until then xx
:hug: Sorry to hear that the snow has caused your appointment to be cancelled, sweetie :hug: I would, like the others have said, go to your GP and just get checked over, for peace of mind if nothing else.

Take care! xxx
I'd try not to worry too much about measuring small/big etc. It's all guess work and there is a range of tolerance for 'normal' which you probably sit in. I measured big last time all the way and she wasnt huge at 8lb11. They said it at every appointment and even different MWs but never any talk of growth scans.

Remember we are all different. Some people have petite babies or big ones and it doesnt necessarily go with how big you are now or were as a baby. Alice is only small and she has bigger than average babies. My friend is taller than me and all her babies have been tiny even though she measured big. I know it's hard when it's your first and you're bound to worry but if they were really concerned they'd get you scanned etc.
It's more the dehydration I'm worried about atm. Last time I was dehydrated I thought I was okay when I actually had 3 ketones and should have been put on a drip a few days earlier xx
In the meantime you should make sure you keep as hydrated as you can then hun till you can see someone :hug:

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