MW appointment - feeling disheartened


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Had a MW appointment yesterday and everything is absolutely fine. Baby is measuring well and she was happy with blood pressure etc.

However all the way through this pregnancy Ive felt pushed to the side by all the MW's Ive seen and havent really received any help or understanding. (apart from one who has no retired!!! :'( )

Ive been having foof pains recently which make me want to double over and I cant walk until they have stopped. I described them to the MW and she just laughed at me and said oh they wont be anything to worry about. She gave me no insight into what may be causing them or her own opinion as to what they are :wall2:

I asked another MW that I saw a general question about a particular test that gets done and asked why its carried out. She gave me no answer and told me I dont need to know the inside outs because thats what the professionals are for and thats why they've trained for so long. :wall2:

Im dreading going to the hospital now. I want to go there feeling secure and that Im going to know whats happening to me but I can just picture it now that Ill be pushed to the corner and ignored. I dont even have a particular MW I always go and see and talk to and I dont even know the names of any of them?! :(

All the ladies on here have been far more helpful than any of the MWs have been!!!! I dont know what I would do without you all!!
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:hugs: - sorry that you feel like that.

I dont have a particular midwife either - seen a different one just about everytime - and im not even giving birth in the right district - lol - so i wont know any at the unit.

Its terrible that there are some mw's out there who still dont know how to interact with expectant mothers desipte their "years of training"

Glad to hear you feel supported here though - this has definitely helped me through a fair bit. xxx
Aww im really sorry you feel like that! Hopefully you will get a midwife at the hospital who is loverly. I never understand why people go into such an intimate type of job if they are not good with people. You should be able to rely on your midwife for guidance etc.

I would deffinatly write in a letter of complaint tho if not now then after you have had LO, I wrote in about a doctor and now he is getting sent on training which will make him a better doctor in the long run.

I would be stubbon with them, its hard to stick up for yourself in that situation im the same but if you stand your ground and say - i want to know why your doing these tests because its my body- Then they should tell you, well they should be anyway as its up to you what tests you allow them to do.

Ive been very lucky with this pregnancy as ive seen the same midwife everytime and shes amazing! She explains all my tests results and never makes me feel like shes pushing me out the door as quick as she can, but i did feel like u with my last baby she was awful just because i wouldnt consider breast feeding she made my pregnancy hell then once i had the baby the placenta took a while to come out she practically put here whole hand up my foof and yanked it out my oh went mad at her! Dont take any crap if they think they can get away with treating u like dirt they will. X
I feel the same hun! my midwife is a nightmare she tries to get me in and out as quick as possible and doesnt tell me anything! it's so annoying i have learnt half of the things i need to do from this forum and the internet never ever has she mentioned anything of any use to me all she does is take my blood pressure, check my LO's heartbeat and off i go! and if i ever metion i was looking on the internet at something she goes mad at me telling me everything on the internet is rubbish and i shouldnt read any of it- then where am i going to get the info from because she isnt giving it to me!!

Fingers crossed the midwife's are better at the hospital! :) X
Im glad Im not the only one who feels like they are being treated as a number. I understand its hard work for them seeing so many different people but a little bit of advice from them would be nice. I dont think its very hard to answer a question which Im sure theyve been asked before! :(

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