Music Festival at 37 weeks....would you go??


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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There's a free music festival in Finsbury Park (4 tube stops from me) on Sunday and I soooooooooooo want to go - one of my fave rappers is performing as is Jimmy Cliff (typically Bashy is at 2pm and Jimmy Cliff the last act at 8pm so it'd be a long day).

However, I'll be nearly 37 weeks - walking and standing for long periods of time and even trying to get comfy sitting on grass are all difficult, as you'll all know. Also I hate crowds at the mo, am paranoid someone will get near my bump! Would you be cautious and just stay at home - save it for next year - or go for it...?
Hmmm, I would go personally! It's only 4 tube stops and if something does happen, (unfortunately) it's not a case of "ooh-er, here's the head! Ooops, here's the baby!" it'll probably go on for a while which would give you time to get your butt home and get bouncing on that ball!!

If your feeling OK then go for it. You can stay towards the back away from the crowds.

I know I wouldn't personally but it's SPD that restricts my life.
Go for it - like you say, only 4 stops away.

Are you going with friends - if so then you'll be fine, and as someone else says stand near the back so you don't get pushed etc.
Thanks for your replies :) I'd be going with OH so he'll be able to protect me! Think I'll just go for it and if it gets too much come home :dance:
I'd go, and if you're worried about sitting etc. could you get one of those tiny fold up walkers chair things?

You've nothing to lose really and like the others say, if you do get there and hate it you can always go home!
Id go for it,i went to leeds fest at 34 weeks pg with hope for 4 days, going again this year but will only be 4 months, just make sure yo take care pof yourself :hug:
Yeah I'd others have said it is only 4 tube stops so easy to go home if need be.

BTW - where are you? I used to live up in various streets near the Turnpike Lane tube station. And have fry-ups after clubbing in the London Cafe next door.
Definatly go and have a fab time! Your not far away from home and as long as OH is with you you'll be fine
Go, i got a chair out of asda for 4.99 it all folds up into a bag and you can carry it on your back
I expect 32 weeks is very different to 37 weeks, but I managed three days at Silverstone with all the walking and the crowds. Just as long as you can leave if you want, why not try? :)
It is up to you. If you feel up to it then GO!! :cheer:

I was planning to go to T In The Park this year for the first time but the tickets were sold out within minutes and I never got any. Just as well because it is this weekend. Can't exactly see me in Balado at 38 weeks with a bump that looks like I have a toddler stuffed up my jumper! I'd get searched! :rotfl:
Oooh I'd go but would definitely take a fold up chair for resting - it'll also come in handy on the tube if you don't get a seat. Hope you have fun :D
Hiya (not sposed to be in here yet but hides in corner so not noticable lol)

Definately go, I'm going to a rock show in November and I'll be 36wks when I go so hell yeah enjoy yourself and just make sure you don't overdo things, remember you know your body and your limits better than anyone so as long as you are sensible you'd be fine!

Have fun,

Sarah xxx
Tadpole said:
Yeah I'd others have said it is only 4 tube stops so easy to go home if need be.

BTW - where are you? I used to live up in various streets near the Turnpike Lane tube station. And have fry-ups after clubbing in the London Cafe next door.

I'm in Walthamstow so the other side but I know Turnpike Lane......oh how I miss the days of clubbing :)
chickadee1976 said:
Go, i got a chair out of asda for 4.99 it all folds up into a bag and you can carry it on your back

Ooh sounds like a good idea, will get myself to Asda. Thanks everyone for your encouragement, I'll let you know how it goes! Steelgoddess is also gonna come now :D
I think we'll be fine hon, hence why I suggested bring the hubsters along just in case and we understand if it gets too much we can always leave and the boys can carry you home lol!!!!

Im glad im going with you though, wouldnt wanna be token Preggo lady lol!!

:hug: :hug:
Have a fab time & don't forget to post some pics.
Ohh, I've jst seen this. I would go too, especially if Oh is going with you an you feel well.

Have fun and let us know how i goes- is it the Lovebox festival? I want to go too but I don't think it would be sensible :lol:

Alex xxx

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