Music downloading


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I was using limewire until all the hooha about it becoming illegal and then stopped and wiped limewire off my lappy!

Is there a site thats not overly expensive but legal to use as i dont want fines dropping through my door!
I used i-tunes for the first time last night. Paid 79p for one song, and then bought an album for £7.99

I too used to use limewire
I was reading online that people who just download one or two songs and not like loads have nothing to worry about. That was said by some computer techie type guy lol.

Don't know how true it is though. I deleted it off our comp too but I miss it :(
:shhh: :shhh:
i seriously wouldnt worry too much if your just downloading the odd album here and there...
i think the law are much more bothered about people who download millions of films/albums and make a buisness out of it.
yeah as far as I know its only gonna affect you if you download LOADS of things, theres a certain amount of megabites or something?

If you're like me and only download one album a month lol you should be fine! get it- fine? :lol:
There was someone on here that got a letter through about using Limewire.... cant think who it was?

I still use it for the odd song but have cut down loads on what I used to use.
I think Kirsty got a letter. I havent downloaded it on to my new laptop and dont know if I will... kinda want to though :rotfl: Just my paranoia thinking if I download it I will be checked up on :lol:
Nope, wasn't me who got a letter :lol:

I know someone did though :think:

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