Music at night


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi guys, discovered something random the other night, Mhairi settles much quicker and stays asleep much longer if I leave the radio on low, its on classic fm lol, not sure if this is something that would make a difference or if she would be sleeping longer any way and its just coincidence, but it does seem to work as i switched it off and she woke up! how random! luckily i can sleep through it too, any one else do this or am i just random and making a problem for the future??:nap:
Not with music but my LO likes the white noise app.

We often fall asleep listening to the waves crashing or extreme rain. The camp fire is a favourite too.

Good job you can sleep with it on!
I have a light that plays Bach and motzart etc and used it with my lo who would wake up if it went off and he wasnt fast asleep. He then listen to it every night for months but one day it ran out of batterys he hasnt had it since and didnt seem to care. My youngest has just started using it now it auto turns off after 10 min so isnt on all night. Gets him to sleep great.

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I tried this when Albert was newborn.....he slept through it, I on the other hand was laying in bed jigging about to 90s dance music and didn't get to sleep until 3am lol
He likes white noise but never tried with music tbh :) x
I have a classical CD playing softly in her room, which works well not so much for staying asleep but certaily for falling asleep. I switch it off when I go to bed though as it keeps me awake.
My husband and I like absolute 90's so my lo was sleeping to blur etc from birth. Now 9 weeks he just settles and sleeps all night no problem, I think the music helped in those early days and weeks.

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