mums who bottle feed


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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if i have anymore kids im toying with the idea of bottle feeding, i've breastfed millie and ryan.

i just want to know what made you decide to bottle feed? what were the main factors that appealed to you?

thanks in advance :hug:
Are you struggling hon? Or find it too tying?

Sorry I don't have any advice - just wanted to check you were okay.

Valentine Xxx
I think there's many a reason, and its such a personal choice its only you who can make it and don't think it the wrong choice because tis the right one for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Isaac was incubated in hospital a few days after his birth, before then we were doing fine BF'ing, but when incubated and needing to get lots of fluid into him we had to drip feed, and BF less, hence my supply dropped.
I could have probably got back to full BF'ing after we got home but I was so low that I was just happy we were home and he was eating well. My reason was partly his incubation and partly emotional, but the right choice for us.
Very best wishes clairescunny55, you've already done SO much for both your LO's changing anything that you feel you have to to be happy is the best for them as much as you :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am finding it much harder this time around, he's on breast and bottle. Sometimes he won't take a bottle and screams, but another time he won't take breast and just screams :( I hate to see him like this.

Luckily he sleeps all night but during the day he's so mardy and he feeds at least every 2 hours sometimes every hour and I can't seem to settle him. It always seems to be worse when I'm on my own. He'll fall asleep in my arms, then if I try put him down I can guarantee he'll wake up 2 mins later.

I wouldn't mind so much if it was my 1st baby, but since Ryan was born I really feel that I've lost my bond with millie. I can't make much time with her and I miss just playing with her or reading her a story.

I feel like a liar when my mum or anyone comes cos he's good as gold when she comes. I've tried allsorts, going for walks, routine but nothing works.
I moved to bottle with Lib after 10 weeks bf'ing, the reasons for this were that I wanted more freedom, I wanted DH to be able to help with the feeding, I wanted my body back & I wanted to wear the bra's and tops I wanted to wear, not that helped me be able to feed Lib, also I never felt comfortable feeding in public so I turned to the bottle :)

Hopefully Ryan will settle himself into some sort of routine soon, I think come 3 months Libby was more settled about life in general, and worked herself into a routine herself iykwim. Could he be going through a growth spurt?

He maybe also be able to sense your tension, so I think you could be in a bit of a circle with it.....could you try to involve Millie in lookng after Ryan so she is helping you & spending time with you both (maybe picking clothes out or passing you thing, or ask her to stroke his head while he's feeding.....don't know how helpful that advice is as the last time I spent more than an hour with a 2 nearlly 3 year old was 16 years ago!!) that way you may feel less worried about not spending enough time with her??

Sorry if thats no help at all....but I will leave you with these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I physically couldnt bf, but I enjoy the freedom bottle feeding gives me and the break when my husband feeds the baby too, sterilizng and buying formula dont bother me a bit.
Hey Claire,

Just wanted to give you these as it sounds like you need them :hug: .

I didn't mean to sound like you'd be doing the 'wrong thing' if you bottle fed your next baby, I just wondered if there was anything we could help with if you were experiencing problems with breastfeeding just now.

It does sound like a growth spurt, but you've already got one child, so you probably know that. Or could it be teething? DD has just this week started fussing at the breast and coming off and crying and I see it as such a personal rejection, I know that's irrational deep down, but I can't help it. She's just teething and her gums are sore, bless her.

I hope things get better for you soon princess.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Hun I'm sure it will. As for the growth spurt, he's been on one since he was born lol
for exactly the same problems you have...

Mia seemed upset all the time, i really wanted to bf for 6 months and felt so so guilty about putting her on the bottle..

But i did it and she is so much happier on it now, we both are...and to me id rather us be happy than to both be distressed just so i could bf..

The way i looked at it was she had a week of breastmilk, the best bit..

Go with your instinct, thats the best advice you'll ever get :hug: :hug: :hug:

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