Mums who are weaning


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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i'm just curious to see how you ladies are getting on!
we seem to be getting there slowly and then going back a step. ive noticed that my lo much rather prefers the savoury to the sweet! he still isn't grasping the idea of opening his mouch and taking from the spoon...although he has made progress. most of it drops on his bib and now hes started to suck off the bib! im using up the jars that my mum got me and then i plan to make all my own!!! today went a little like this.......

7am... 6oz milk
9.30am.... rusk made with 4oz milk
12.00... third jar of carribean pork casserole which he LOVED
3pm.... 6oz milk
5pm.... third jar sweet potato and beef pie (again which he seemed to love)
7pm....5oz milk and bed.

just waiting for him to wake up around 11 (which he will and then every 3 hours after that :eek: for another bottle)

does this seem alright to you ladies? im a little bit clueless tbh!!!! would love to hear how you are all going!
This sounds good to me. I've been experimenting with different meals at different times too. my lo loves the fruity porridges for breakfast :)
This sounds good to me. I've been experimenting with different meals at different times too. my lo loves the fruity porridges for breakfast :)

breakfast for me is tha hardest meal of the day! my lo is usually really grumpy in the morning and its hard for him to have anything other than milk lol!
My lo can be like this sometimes too, not seeming too hungry for food, when she does I leave her a little while and offer milk instead. I only started giving her 3 meals a day this week as she is 6 months. I might try rusks, hadn't thought of that
My lo can be like this sometimes too, not seeming too hungry for food, when she does I leave her a little while and offer milk instead. I only started giving her 3 meals a day this week as she is 6 months. I might try rusks, hadn't thought of that

he seems to like the rusk more than cereal n porridge etc i think because he can taste the milk more!!! its deffo worth a try!!
hey, we seem to be gettin on ok. Josh has a variety of stuff now. POtatoes, sweet potatoes, apples pear banana, avocado, peas, carrot. However we're a bit puzzled as to when to change to meat, bread etcs and to eventually when to start substituting a meal instead of a bottle etc. and my HV is shit when i ask. Any ideas?

He wakes up between

7-8 when he has 7 fl oz and some baby cereal four grain thing
12-1 7fl oz and small portion of a sweet food ie carrot or apple or banana
5 7fl oz bottle
6.30 / 7 - a max of 4fl oz bottle and atm potato and something else. normally avocado
11 - 7floz bottle


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