mums that have more than 1 child...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Joseph is 14 months and we are due to try for our 2nd baby after our wedding in july.

Did you ever worry that you wouldn't be able to give your first as much attention when baby arrived?

How do you divide your time equally between them especially when a baby takes up so much time? Just really worried about it and i'm not even pregnant yet, there are days when I think "how will I cope"! and it puts me off, I want to be able to give them both the love and time they need but how do you manage?

Your thoughts would be appreciated :)
Congrats on your wedding


This is the reason I left it a few years before having number 2. I wanted to give LO my full attention for a while before having another.

My LO is nearly 8 and I haven't been able to give her any attention because of baby, cant imagine what its like with a toddler & newborn I suppose ppl struggle thro dont they

I have a 2yr 3 mth gap between my first two it is hard in the beginning but I made a point of doing things with my eldest while baby asleep etc and keeping him involved with baby have done the same this time . But they grow soo fast it seem no time till we were all doing things together and my boys r very close which I love.
Congrats on the wedding xxxx

i know people do it and manage well but i chose to wait until our first is jyst turned four and we are due aug. this is because i wanted to give as much as poss to first and now she starts full time school this sep so i feel ill be able to spend those precious days with new baba just as i did with her one on one. she is also old enough to understand about baby and is soooo excited and this is beautiful to see.

saying all this there are many who do it and do it well....there is only 20mths between my sister and i and neither of us felt left out in anyway. heres a little wisdom that my nan always said ( she had 5) "love doesnt multiplies"

im sure youll do the right thing for you and yours only you will know trust yourself. xx

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