Mummy2adam & Bella2

That's handy you've got someone to have your LO, wouldn't be much fun for him in the cold. OOoh Liverpool One I've been there, OH's mum lives in St Helens and we often go up to stay with them for the weekend.

Not sure where we're going for lunch yet, I'm imagining it's going to be busy most places! Probably a little cafe though, don't want anything massive as having a takeaway tonight (there goes my healthy eating plan lol!) x x
Well we braved the weather and my food shopping is now done :) only fresh things to get now. Also we went into town and bought loads so i need to wrap ecerything we bought now. Its my last day in work today so ive got 4 days to get sorted and everything ready for the perfect christmas with my OH and my little man.

How are you getting along ladies? Hope you are all nearly sorted x x

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Hey ladies, just caught up on this thread, had a busy weekend and wasnt on much.

Loads of snow here since thursday, made a mistake and went out driving in it and got stuck, some kind man in a fancy 4x4 came to my rescue :)

Oooh your lucky you are all done with your shopping, i've still got a few bits to get this week but we have more snow here today predicted ao i'm too scared to go out incase i get stuck again :(
Think i will leave it till tomorrow and just stay in the warm today

I'm actually looking forward to christmas now, going to eat loads.

Did you get your heating fixed bella2? not long now till you TTC? are you excited? i'm due to ov this week so its going to be a fun week :) :) :)
Hey Girlies!

Great you got all your shopping done M2A, how lovely that you finish work today you lucky thing! I finish at noon on xmas eve but we have a little party here in the morning so that's nice. Then off till the 4th Jan - lush.

Nurse - oh no nightmare getting stuck in the snow! Lucky that guy came to your rescue...damsel in distress lol! OH managed to fix the heating thank god - I am not a happy person when I'm cold! How exciting you're going to be ovulating lots of :bd: for you methinks - woo hoo! Yes looking forward to TTC in the new year - had a little wobble the other day when I saw there weren't many days left before we start trying - although I'm sure when it comes to it I'll be ready :) I think I'll always be nervous about getting pregnant again - I'm sure it's natural for anybody after a MC x x x

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