Mucus plug - what does it look like?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Does anyone know how big is the mucus plug when it goes is e.g. on the tissue when you wipe?

I went to the loo and it was like tiny bit of pinky snot (TMI) and just went again and more pink but not so mucus. I have had pink discharge before and ended up in hospital for a few hours and when I spoke to my GP he said not to worry if it happens again unless it is loads of blood down the loo.

I'm going to monitor it but just wondered what the plug looked like and size - last Monday LO was 3/5 engaged and has been very active today - I am 35+1. I'm also coughing a lot from hayfever so wondered if that is just causing the discharge from the strain on the muscles


Even if your plug goes it does not mean labour is imminent. It could be a fair ways off still, so don't worry overly.

Mine didn't go till LO was on the way, but I've read of others losing theirs a few weeks before labour.

As to size, erm I don't really recall. I was too busy pushing :lol:
Thanks Sherlock. Well it has stopped so just assuming like before it is nothing - oh found a site and it says the mucus plug is about the size of a grape.

My plug looked like snot, and I mean snot when you have a very bad cold.

It was very thick, green/brown/dark red colour like when you have blood in your snot with a bad cold.

There was quite a lot and I started losing mine on the wednesday and started having contractions that day but they kept stopping and starting and became regular in Friday evening. I kept losing my plug each day and was still losing it when I was in established labour on Saturday.

If you really want to find out what it looks like you can see some pictures under google images, I just had to have a look when I saw someone had posted that they had looked and found some pictures of a bloody show/plug, when I looked it just confirmed that I had been losing my plug.
i had a show the day b4 i had my wee boy 4 years ago, trying to think, it was like raw egg white with bits of blood in it, pretty gross looking lol.. is it not a bit early for that to happen to u? u shud prob see ur midwife x
Hiya Moofa,

I remember when I had my first I lost mine a few days before (it was a biggish bloody snotty looking thing - quite dark red blood); the second time around I don't remember losing one at all - think it mustn't have come away until I had my waters broken.
With DS1 I started losing it 3 weeks!! :shock: Before he actually arrived. He arrived on his due date.
With DS2 I started losing it about 1 week before he arrived and he was 10 days overdue.

Im losing bits of mine again now, its just like snot. Very gross :puke:

Thanks everyone

Well nothing since I first posted so may be it wasn't my plug, a bit scary though but as my GP said don't worry unless it is loads


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