Morning ladies,
Hope this doesnt put you off your brekkie but could do with some advice. Last night when i went to the loo and wiped i had a blob of jelly when i wiped and just thought it was some mucusy discharge then this morning when i went i had some more just a bit bigger than the last
I know im a third timer but its concerned me as im on my own. I can remember having something similar with my son ben but that was nearly 14 years ago. Could it be cos i was on the go lots yesterday or the fact i had to really strain for a number 2 yesterday and it could of dislodged itself? Anyone else had this or similar? there was no blood and im not in any pain so really not too worried cos it happened with previous pregnancy but would be grateful for any ideas and opinions, many thanks,
Hope this doesnt put you off your brekkie but could do with some advice. Last night when i went to the loo and wiped i had a blob of jelly when i wiped and just thought it was some mucusy discharge then this morning when i went i had some more just a bit bigger than the last