Mucus plug lost at 32 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Morning ladies,
Hope this doesnt put you off your brekkie but could do with some advice. Last night when i went to the loo and wiped i had a blob of jelly when i wiped and just thought it was some mucusy discharge then this morning when i went i had some more just a bit bigger than the last :shock: I know im a third timer but its concerned me as im on my own. I can remember having something similar with my son ben but that was nearly 14 years ago. Could it be cos i was on the go lots yesterday or the fact i had to really strain for a number 2 yesterday and it could of dislodged itself? Anyone else had this or similar? there was no blood and im not in any pain so really not too worried cos it happened with previous pregnancy but would be grateful for any ideas and opinions, many thanks,
kayzee remind me is this your first or third pregnancy?
ahh i see its not your first.

then don't wory about it. ive been losing my slimy plug since around 230 weeks. Everytime i wipe i lose a bit of slime :puke: Sorry for TMI!

its coz we've been stretched before and things are moving more for us. Don't worry.
I started loosing mine at 32 weeks also with my second child and i never had any problems.
i think its a good thing. chances are you are starting to dilate now. :cheer:
:shock: OMG!! wouldnt that be cool!!!! maybe we should take bets as to who will win the race, i thought i was a rank outsider but maybe not :twisted: Midwife seems to think it will rebuild itself and to not overdo for the next 24 hours, plus im off to pizza hut for my eat all you like lunch and nothing will make me miss that :rotfl: :rotfl: xxx cheers budge you made me feel a lot more relaxed about it :hug:
I lost loads of mine through the end of the second and through the thrid trimester, it can rebuild itself though :wink:
ive had alot of mucus when i wipe it started quite early too, it looks like a big stringy peice of snot :o lovely lol, and it's sometimes green too :puke: . The actual mucus plug is the blood stained mucus though isnt it?
Yes you are right jade hun it is normally streaked with blood, mine had what looked like old blood in it and was like a big lump of egg white :puke: midwife definitely said it was my mucus plug, as for the dilating already bit, i think i may get her to check today as got midwife at 9:40 wish me luck ladies :hug: xxx
i doubt she'll check kayzee. they don't like doing internals unless really necessary.
In a way i dont really want to know but also i do if it makes sense lol! :D plus no-one been near my lady bits at all this pregnancy so they dont know i still have my bar in :D xx

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