moving too much?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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can my baby be moving too much? i've been worried about this for a few weeks now. In all the books i read and all the advice i've been given from other mums the space should be getting tighter and tighter for the baby to move about... I'm suppose to be looking out for 10 kicks.. but the thing is! my bump moves so much more now than it ever did... i don't mean just kicks.. my whole bump changes shape like baby is rolling around. The head has been engaged from 35 weeks and was 4/5 last time the MW felt.. so how can the baby be moving? i'm being silly and worrying myself that this baby is far from ready to come out... if it's moving so much it must have plenty of room and therefore not ready to come out...

did anyone else notice their baby move so kuch yet still went into labour naturally? and on time (i really don't want to go over and then be induced)

I wouldn't worry hun, Jack was like a trapeeze artist right uo until he was induced!!!!!!!!!!!!

They say a minimum of 10 kicks to ensure baby is ok, i wouldn't think you would have to be induced just because he is still kicking about.

Hope i have put your mind at rest

Take care x
Lydia moved a LOT constantly right until she was born.
She was induced 18 days late, but I don't think that it has anything to do with the fact that she kicked a lot.
And she was a 10lbs 10oz baby...yet there was still room enough for her to kick around like crazy!
Ooops forgot to say i was induced 3 weeks early but that was because i had OC not to do with movement :D
mine have all become more active a few days before i gave birth to them. Perhapos that what your is doing.
i've had the exact same thing babe, my baby is still extremely active, i found the look for 10 movements strange aswell coz my baby has usually done his 10 before i even get dressed..hehe
its nice and reassuring to feel him there wriggling about! i'll miss his movements when i'm not pregnant.
are you still here Fran! :rotfl:

sorry i couldn't resist!
yeah still here budge! i'm now so fat i spread across all 3 trimesters :rotfl:
god i hope i give birth soon i never thought i'd be begging to go into labour i was that scared but BRING IT ON.....i'm ready to pop!

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