Moving today into m-i-l


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Not worried but have a big day of moving today and im scarred tbh about moving into tommos mums place, but she is being fab with it all.
Spoke to the council last week and looks like the baby will be born there so upset and scared about that too, its guna be hard enuf having a nearly 3 yr old there! Just worried about PND setting in again after i have had her and having no personal time with her.But such is life, I certainly didnt imagine being homeless in my 7th month of pregnancy when DH and i concieved her!
I no DH mum wont interfere to piss me off, but she might just do things out of habit and im guna have toi put my foot down if she does, god i sound like a moan a minute drip at the moment!

But such is life and i believe thing happen for a reason, maybe being back down south with family will open some doors, plus it will be great for my son having his cousins around him again.

But thanks for having me ladies, I hope i wont be offline to long and will try and get back asap for internet time, take care all of you with your births coming up soon!

Sarah x :hug:
Good luck with it all sarah, im sure everything will be fine

and you will have your own home to move in to really soon..

Try not stay away too long though ..

speak soon.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck with it all. I hope you will have your own little home soon, Its nice tohave help with a new arrival and that your MIL i sletting you stay but....nothing beats having your own little family home.
Take care :hug: :hug:
Good luck with your move Sarah. I hope the council come up with something for your family soon. :hug:

Good luck hun hope you dont stay away for too long :hug:
Hi ladies, the move went ok, not as bad as i thought, but was very hot so the weather didnt help much!
Finally got little man in bed at 10 at night! he was so tired but l;oved seeing the family and is doing really well and is loving having a garden, its a joy to watch him having so much fun.
Our bedroom is a bit of a squeeze with king bed in there but its the price you pay for wanting comfort! have got stephens little bed in too, it looks like something the 7 dwarfs would sleep on!

Not all that bad though down here, am enjoying seeing the family andf just have to find new midwife and booked into hospital for the inpending birth.

Thanks for your support, i enjoyed reading the threads - they cheered me up immensely!

Thanks so much SSS for being a mate!
aww sarah thats what friends are for hun..

glad everything is going ok.. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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