

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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about 2 weeks ago i had no bump and no baby movement.

now i have a visible bump which everyone comments on and baby is kicking like MAD.

this is my first baby, so i've never experienced this before, so was just wondering what everyone else feels like when they feel their little one kicking?

it's actually the most surreal feeling in the world :shock: i can't believe there's a little person inside me moving about :shock:


*just wanted to add - it's also one of the nicest, most special feelings in the world, i keep trying to explain it to oh, i just can't find the words though.
thats brilliant news Sara :dance:
it is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world :D
i still go all gooey when i feel my Collier kick :cheer: :hug:

does it feel like bubbles popping inside? that's how it started with me
can you feel the kicks with your hand on the bump yet?
it s hard to describe the first real kicks to somone
Your Oh will understand when he feels the first kick for himself
my James was on cloud 9 when he felt our son kick bless him :hug:
I can say the same for the bump!

I had no bump then all of a sudden this week one has appeared and people keep commenting.

As for the movements I have felt them for a while
It is so strange. I'm still not used to the kicking feeling.
It makes me feel a little clever - i'm looking after this little person inside of me and it can move and everything! Lol.
I never tire of feeling it move, though sometimes i wish it wouldn't aim at my bladder.!
i just find it so strange, like it happened again there and it leaves me speechless :lol: it's like BIG proper bubbles, not painful at all, just the most bizzare feeling ever.

can't feel them on the outside yet i don't think, looking forward to OH feeling it though, then he might have an idea what it's like, i sometimes wish there was someway they could feel this sort of thing with you :)
:cheer: yay!! congrats!! It's great isn't it?-mine feels like bubbles too! DH has just started it be able to feel it, but not all the time-just at night when Lo kicks a bit harder. I get excited every time and always want to tell someone!!
:dance: :dance: YAY :dance:

Over the last couple of days i have felt the baby push up and can feel his bones!! now that is surreal!!!!
i,ve been feleling little movements and kicks for a few weeks now

sometimes they feel like little tickles anyone else have this feeling
Oh I love it when our baby girl kicks it is the best feeling in the world!!! It is surreal knowing there is a little person growing inside me but I love it so much, it is so special xxxxx
Hubby can feel her kick now so its extra special as he can share it with me!!! He often just puts his hand on my belly and leaves it there!!!

Weeeeeeeee! thats great! Its such a bizarre concept - 2 people sharing one body!!! Must feel so exciting though - I cant wait till it happens to me! :) xx
I described the baby moving to my OH as brewing gas bubbles :rotfl: not the most beautiful description but I think its pretty spot on and OH got it! Movements change though and now its like headbutts in your cervix and bum and scratching down by the sides and the baby jumps and vibrates LOL overall its just one crazy feeling. I havent had him trying to prise my ribcage off me yet but I'm sure it will come!

:think: Mmmmm everyone keeps describing the kicking feeling as bubbles...
I can only decribe mine as cross between a twitch in my belly and being flicked from the inside!! :eek:

Has anyone else felt like this???
i feel left out that your all feeling bubbles..........
Ive found it difficult to explain to my partner what it feels like, its like no other feeling - its amazing!

My Mum and friend has felt the movements from the outside, but when my DF puts his hands on my bely it stops - most annoying!!!

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