
Just got my doppler out and had a listen... Found her heart beat but (I dunno whether it's just me cause I'm worrying) but it sounded on the slow side :(...

Whenever I feel ill everything always worries me 10x more than it probably should :wall: x
Could just be freaking myself out..... But I don't think madam's moved today :shock: I mean I could have missed it while I was asleep... But it was the wrong time for her usual movements! ARGH!!!!!! xx

hmmm i've had days like that too, when i'm so busy I just forget. Try the ole cold drink thing and see if u get anything, or gently prod ur bump see if u can wake her up. If nothing after a wee while and your concerned, i'd defo phone the mw. U dont wana take any chances.


I don't have any... All I have is water tea coffee and ovaltine :( and the water here makes me feel sick cause it's FULL of chlorine and limescale... no matter what you get lumps of white floating in it :sick: not to mention that drinking anything makes me feel sick atm anyway :roll:

I've been prodding and jiggling bump for a while and haven't felt anything... I think I've just got myself all worked out after reading about a baby who was stillborn cause they'd strangled themselves with the cord in late pregnancy :( xx

Oh no, dont you be getting yourself into a state about the stories you've heard, try and clear it from your mind, these things are un-common. Just because your baby isn't moving doesn't mean its dead, it could be a number of things.

Try boiling your kettle and leaving the water out in a cup, then when it is room temp, stick it in the fridge for a while to cool it, see if that does the trick - I think maybe hot baths help with movements.

Please try not to worry, coz you dont want to stress out baby. And stop reading scary stories!!

Just listened to hear heart again.... MW said if it's any less than 110 bpm to call hosp immediately and I counted 114 first time and 112 second... I know they're both above 110 but am really worried now... What if something is wrong :( x
Well, firstly there both above 110 so no need to fone hosp.

But what are the normal readings you've been getting? I have no idea of these things, never used a doppler.

It all depends how much it differs from usual if that makes sense.
It's usually between 140-150.... third one I just did was 117.....
hmmmm i suppose that is a gd difference - has it been this low b4?
Hun if your worried, just phone the MW/Hospital... xx
Just had a glass of water... Don't care what it tastes like right now... Will give it til 12 then call hozzy if still nothing xx
they say cold drink and lie on your side normally does the trick..

**wake up francesca and give a wiggle for your mummy**
Still nothing... Think I'll give em a call for some reassurance if nothing else..... xx
OH just got me a can of smiths... A bit unorthodox maybe... But I had that and now she's got hiccups.... Bloody woman.... xx
ooooh nice 1

at least its cold and your allowed one so enjoy it!


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