

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
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So since around 16 & a half weeks I've been regularly feeling flutters, popping etc. I've listened up on the doppler and have been able to match what the sensations I feel to the real time movements so I know that's what it's been. Steadily the movements started to increase and I've been sort of able to know when she'll be at her most active etc.
However, for the last 2-3 days, I've felt barely if not anything whatsoever. I am still able to hear her moving quite regularly on the doppler and it's as loud as it was which makes me doubt that she's just decided to face the other way. On top of this, my belly has significantly shrunk over this period when I say significantly, I mean I don't even look just fat, I look like I did pre-pregnancy.
This has gotten me worried and made me start thinking about fluid levels, I have 6 days left til my 20 week scan just wondering if anyone could offer some advice if they've been in a similar position? x
Didn't want to read and run. I have felt movement I think also but can't be definitely sure, 18 +1 now. Since reading someone's tragic experience on here recently have been really worried about the fluid thing! I am struggling to drink enough through the day . Anyway hun I hope someone can give you some advice based on their experiences.

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Definitely has me worried too. Thanks for the reply :)
Don't worry, baby is still tiny! Probably moved into your back! Like my midwife said to me today *and I'm 23 weeks* - it's like finding a tadpole in a big pond!
So don't panic! It's still quite early for movement, you're lucky to have felt it so soon - I also felt it quite early, it's a lovely feeling!:)xxx
Thank you! That's put my mind at ease a lot :) I think I'm just going to continue finding things to worry about until my scan x
Just wanted to completely agree with the worrying.. I've not got a shrinking bump yet but do worry when I don't feel movement even though its so early. I'm sure everything is ok, I'm trying to drink lots too but keep finding worries each day. Roll on 20wk scan a week tomorrow!


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