

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Can i just ask i dont think i have felt any "definate" movements from the baby yet though a few times i might have!

i heard the heart beat 3 weeks ago so i am not particulary worried but just wondering is it normal to not be sure about movements yet? i read that 18-20 weeks is normal, sometimes earlier or later.

i was 22 weeks before i felt my first with my son hun dont worry
At about week 17/18, I felt some sensations like bubbles popping, but only like one popping every now and again, so I wasn't sure if that was the baby or my food digesting! Now at 19 weeks, the sensations are getting stronger and more frequent, so I think it is due to the baby.
i felt bubbles from about 16 weeks so was expecting for things to move along quickly, I'm now 22 weeks and still only feel kicks sometimes!

think its different for everyone :hug:
its different for everyone hun and depends on position of baby and als whether it is your first or not. i have felt flutters quite early this time from about 14 weeks but with my first i didnt feel flutters till 17 weeks and definate movements till bout 22 weeks, so it wil come soon hun. HTH xxxxx
I don't feel anything yet. I think sometimes that I can feel something, but really couldn't say if it's baby or not.

I keep thinking I should have felt something by now but I guess I just have to be patient.

Hopefully in the next week or so it'll become obvious.
I was really worried as i felt my last baby about the 14+ weeks mark and i had not felt this baby move at 17 weeks but then last saturday at 18 weeks i was laying in bed in the morning and felt baby moving about and grab hubby's hand and he felt it too :cheer: which was nice to both feel baby the same day ... and since then i have felt baby everyday :D

I wouldn't worry im sure you will feel baby in the next few weeks :hug:
thanks :hug:

i am looking forward to feeling baby for sure!
14weeks 6days when i felt my babys bubbles for first time
I felt a small movement, I'm 16 weeks and i read that everyone is different so don't worry about it. If your baby doesn't move at 27 weeks it is advised that you go see your midwife ASAP

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