

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Now I know most places say you don't feel anything until 12-16 weeks but is it at all possible that I felt buddabean move last night?

I was sat all quietly at my computer and I could feel this sort of fluttering in my tummy, a bit like a pulse but not as regular... Almost like a mini thump/knock/tap from the inside...

It's probably just gas but it certainly made me stop and really pay attention to my uterus I can tell you... If I concentrate I can feel it now as well :?

Am I just imagining things?
I started feeling a fluttering/backflippey kind of feeling at around 10 weeks I think, before then I wasn't really concentrating to notice it iykwim. I'd say its possible, but when I asked my midwife she p*ssed on my bonfire by saying its probably just stretching lol. I'd go with the movement idea though, much more re-assuring!
Excited for you!! :cheer:
PMSL stretching. It could be stretching I suppose but I have been feeling stretching too and it's totally different. This doesn't ache or hurt, it just kind of feels a bit like when you have your BP taken - that kind of tapping feeling as the blood flows back into your arm but lighter and not as regular... plus it's inside my abdomen rather than in my muscles iykwim

it's not all the time and only when i concentrate so maybe i'm just wishing it will happen... it's a very weird feeling either way
It could be the "pulse" of the placenta maybe? I dunno. Does seem a bit early for movements, bean hasn't really got proper limbs yet so...
it does doesn't it.

i know it's snapping around involuntarily at this age but it's just such an odd feeling.

I suppose we'll see in a few months time :)
I don't know hun, but I felt something similar as well last night, like a tiny little bump.
I was reading something, bounty, or a pregnancy guide, I can't remember but I know the baby will have started to move now, and that arms bend at the elbow and legs bend at the knees.

I felt movements as early as 10 weeks, with my 3rd, I'm guessing its possible, I don't know.
But saying that, I was searching for the heartbeat and I can't find that, so if I can't hear the heart how can I feel the baby moving? Dunno.
OOOooo I bet your so excited now! I can't get it into my head that there is something in there so when squishy moves i think I'll be more shocked than anything else!
i think most first timers feel their first movements around 20 weeks (i was nearly 22 weeks when i first felt mine, they feel like little bubbles popping inside, imagine a bubble the size of a sprout lol!) second timers feel them earlier but i think even then its well into second tri, i dont think anything we feel in first tri are baby movements- but could be other things related to the baby, like stretching- idk maybe ur uterus popped something else out of place as it grows? i am jus guessing lol idk for sure maybe u did maybe ur hyper sensitive!
When i had my scan at 11+2 last week you could see the baby moving around a lot but even when stretching it didnt kick out at the uterus and the woman said i wouldnt be feeling any movements for a while yet.....i thought maybe being my fourth i might feel it earlier on....i felt my last at 16 weeks wheras my first 2 i didnt feel for until 20 weeks.
This is my third, and over the last week, I've been feeling tiny little flickers and twitches occasionally. I've been convincing myself it must just be early BHs, or a sign that the uterus is stretching, but it does feel very like the movements I felt with 1 and 2! So maybe buddabun's website is right, and it is sometimes possible to feel it this early.

With no 1 I didn't feel anything until about 16 weeks, and with no 2 it was much earlier (about 11 weeks). Until I got pregnant I was quite slim though, so maybe that helps. Having said that I seem to have expanded at an alarming rate since my BFP so can't say that still applies!
LOL I have had a serious case of the bloat as well.. I am dreading my '9 weeks' photo :?
i have had exactly the same since i was about 7 weeks pregnant,every night when i go to bed i feel a pulse in my tummy just below by belly button like its the baby.
I didi read somewhere that it can be the baby opening and closing its fists and just floating about, not kicking but when it can start to move a little. But i have defianately felt something like that, as that was the first thing i said to my boyfriend and my friend and they looked at me as if i was mad.
Im glad someone else has has felt that pulse feeling.
Although i havent felt it much this week.x
You have to bear in mind that your uterus doesn't 'pop' over your pubic bone until you're 12 weeks, so any feelings of movement would be in your pubic region rather than your tummy. You also have to remember that the foetus is only half an inch long at 8 weeks too, so no matter how furiously bean is wriggling away, it's far too small for you to be able to feel it. I could feel my own pulse by putting my hand on my tummy from really early on though - I guess because of the increased blood flow.

What you're feeling is no doubt due to your pregnancy, but unlikely to be the foetus at this early stage - more likely to be early Braxton Hicks - you get these from around 6 weeks :hug:

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