Movement at 18weeks


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
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So I've definitely been feeling flutters for a good number of weeks. (since about 14weeks). I didn't feel anything until around 20weeks with my other two so I know it's normal not to feel much at this stage (currently 17 weeks 4days). However the last few days I haven't flet any movements at all. I've been trying to notice movements since saturday and haven't felt anything. My concern is that I was quite sure I was feeing movements and they have now stopped. Any thoughts.?
Probably baby's position. This early on they are still so small that depending on which way they are facing sometimes kicks will land on the uterus and other times kicks will just go into the amniotic fluid so you won't feel anything. If you have an anterior placenta like me then it takes longer too as that absorbs some of the kicks to start with. I didn't feel movement until after 20 weeks and it would still dissappear for days at a time until 24 weeks. I would say try not to worry but then I worried so much about when I would feel movement and when it would be regular and still worry if I haven't felt him for a bit!
I second Abi's response, I have an anterior placenta, I'm over 19 weeks now and have felt odd fluttery movements but nothing consistent and on a daily basis. This is normal. x
I started feeling flutters at 17w, and proper movement at 18w, but it wasn't everyday. I think actually after a full on kick at 18w, I didn't feel anything again until 19w. After that I would feel something every few days, not everyday. Probably wasn't until 21 or 22 weeks that it became consistently every day I would say. And even now at 25 weeks, some days he's quieter than others which I'm guessing is probably more to do with his position than him not moving.
Thanks all. I think I actually felt a tiny little kick. I think because they are so tiny the feeling is so minimal that you don't always know of you've felt it or not. I think because I was feeling it then it felt like it stopped it worried me
And if you're busy you're less likely to notice small movements. And after walking I find he's quiet for a bit. I've heard walking rocks them to sleep so they do go quiet.
Yes I worried if I didn't feel baby for a couple of days but they are still small with plenty of room so I wouldn't worry. It's not until after 24 weeks you should feel movement everyday. Even then some feel more movement than others. Depends on the baby!

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