Mothercare nursing room


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Went shopping today with LO and OH, We went to Mothercare to change her bum and there was a seprate room for nursing Mummy's, had comfortable sofas and rocking chairs :D was lovely. So fed her aswell, and there were others mummys in there too.

I must say this is something I didnt expect mothercare to have, definatly exceeded my expections of the place :D

Welldone mothercare :D
Excellent news!!

I went into Debinhams last week and they had a similar set up although not as posh by the sounds of it - just a couple of chairs and a table with magazines on..... good to see these big companies lookiing out for us!
The Mothercare in Hull has all that too, but also has a 'blue light' for the druggies :roll: Takes the niceness away!
hels said:
The Mothercare in Hull has all that too, but also has a 'blue light' for the druggies :roll: Takes the niceness away!
whats a blue light?
Means they can't find a vein to inject.

Tasha, the Pavillions has seperate nursing rooms on the top floor by the food hall if you're ever that way :D
That's great I never knew they existed! We don't even have a mothercare! :cry:
Tasha20 said:
:) :) :)

Went shopping today with LO and OH, We went to Mothercare to change her bum and there was a seprate room for nursing Mummy's, had comfortable sofas and rocking chairs :D was lovely. So fed her aswell, and there were others mummys in there too.

I must say this is something I didnt expect mothercare to have, definatly exceeded my expections of the place :D

Welldone mothercare :D

glad you found it comfy tash!
i like boots too - thats always nice in my local one.

the best i had was in jessop in nottinghAM. tHEY BOUGHT ME A CUP OF TEA! lardt bloody dar!!!

not sure if its the same noe though :cheer:
i love the mothercare in bromley, they have those nice recliner chairs!
now OH is under orders to buy me one for next baby lol!! :lol:
gosh my mother care does not have recliner chairs!
Minxy I will pop into the pavillians and try that one! :dance: thanks for the tip!

Budge our large boots in the city centre hasnt even got a baby changing facility anymore, lol I had a right go and made a complaint ( needed to change her bum prompto!) but they do in the solihull branch :D

Brought you a cup of tea! OMG thats excellent!! never heard of jessops but have been nottingham a few times so will look out for that place!!!
:cheer: :cheer:

MummyKay I said to OH too about getting me one but apprently they cost quite abit, they were so comfy :D , OH sat in one and was telling me how he could fall asleep in one ( lucky you :roll: )

OOO I am on a mission now to find shops with great places to feed!!
its john lewis now tash! :hug:

hey if you come this way let me know!
Really ah we have one in Solihull :dance: :dance: OOO will have to go and have a look.

Yes I will let you know Budge when im next up :cheer: :cheer:
I got a glider recliner chair from ebay! Best bargain ever and well worth it! I think it has saved my sanity on more than 1 occasion!
The Mothercare in Reading has a lovely one, 2 nice chairs with little stools to put your feet up and a water cooler. There's also one in our John Lewis although I've not tried it yet. I picked up a guide in mothercare to baby friendly places to eat, so I've been feeing Debs there. One of our many Starbucks has lovely comfy sofa's which is great, and our House of Fraser has nice comfy chairs in their cafe. Shame I squirted one once as I was a little bit engorged lololol. I'm not a discreet breast feeder as my flow is quite fast, so Debs does come on and off a bit, so it can get a bit messy lol.
i got a mag from mothercare that had a list of good baby friendly places. but that was a while ago.... not sure if they still do them.

The tescos near us, have free nappies and wipes to use.
i must go and inspect the baby friendly places here
i went 2 change emilys nappy in the shopping centre here and it was awful!
gingerpig said:
The Mothercare in Reading has a lovely one, 2 nice chairs with little stools to put your feet up and a water cooler. There's also one in our John Lewis although I've not tried it yet. I picked up a guide in mothercare to baby friendly places to eat, so I've been feeing Debs there. One of our many Starbucks has lovely comfy sofa's which is great, and our House of Fraser has nice comfy chairs in their cafe. Shame I squirted one once as I was a little bit engorged lololol. I'm not a discreet breast feeder as my flow is quite fast, so Debs does come on and off a bit, so it can get a bit messy lol.

Yes the mothercare here has a water cooler, im so glad theres nice comfy places for breastfeeders :D no chance youll get snide comments or asked to move along :roll:
We travelled to Scotland on holiday last week, I was dreading my first long journey with a baby. We stopped both on the way there and way back at Moto service stations on M6...I was very impressed with the baby facilities there...a nice changing room with chairs for feeding and in the main seating area there was a baby feeding station-with bottle warmers and microwave for heating bottles/food. There was also a sign advising mums to ask for a complimentary nappy and steri-bottle if you needed one. It made the journey really enjoyable, as we were really relaxed after the stop, and Ruby slept the rest of the way!!!!

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