most destructive kids?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Mels post about her little monkey and the bourbon has given me an idea for a thread.

So who has the most desructive kids??

When mine were little I used to have a lot of big plants and every now and then I would go round and trim off any brown tips on the leaves. My eldest was about 6 at the time and somehow got hold of my scissors and went round and cut all the leaves off all the plants, she thought she was helping bless her :rotfl:

Another time she thought she was helping was when I had let her help me strip some wallpaper when I was re-doing her bedroom, think she was about the same age, and then when the lovely new wallpaper went on she decided to try and strip that off aswell :rotfl:

And then when they were a bit older, about 11 and 8 I think, I had bought myself a lovely new feather duvet. I had the cover off to be washed and the girls were watching cartoons in my bedroom. I went in to check and they had somehow ripped a hole in my duvet and had pulled almost all the feathers out! I gave them a black bag each and made them pick up every last feather, took them all day but they had to learn :doh:

So who has more destructive kids than mine? :lol:
My little ones a bit small to be causing trouble just yet but if he takes after his mum and dad, I am in real trouble:

My mom ordered a cake for my Nan and Grandads Golden Wedding but before the guests had arrived I had eaten the sugar craft flowers off the top.

At the age of about 4 I decided my goldfish didn't like swimming in boring water so I topped them up with orange squash! They didn't die, Mom saved then on time.

Brad once decided to have a wee in one of the display toilets at B&Q whilst his mum had her back turned!

He also got bored at nursery once and so hid himself in a corner with a green felt tip and proceeded to colour himsef in so he would look like a tenage mutant ninja turtle. Quite enterprisingly he managed to get about half of his body covered (including some of his face) before getting caught! His mom said he had a yellowy-green tinge for weeks!!!!
An old friend had an awful little boy, he was in the national papers for swapping all his and his sisters toys for pokemon cards. He destroyed everything he touched, hit his mother and siblings regularly, deliberately smashed anything to get his own way the list is endless. I looked after him for 10 minutes once whilst his mum went the shop. He immediately went into her bedroom and hassled the hamster which she had to keep on top of her wardrobe. I told him to come out, he then barged past me, ran into his room, bounced on the bed and flung himself at the window which wasnt locked and was a bottom opening one, I caught him by his ankles :shock: :shock: :shock:

I would never have him again after that!! He eventually got diagnosed ADHD, anyone who thinks that doesnt exist should have met that kid!!!
lol GGG when i was little i did this also but i then realised what i had done and went bk around the garden placing the heads bk on so my dad wudnt find out. when he went to water his plants one by one all the heads just fell off. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i wud of loved to have been old enuff to see his face, at least he laughs about it now. my dd has done some things. she once got hold of my washing powder and tipped it all over the kitchen floor, then to rectify her wrong she tried to mop it up :shock: :shock: it was a very sticky lovely smelling mess lol. she got hold of some linctus syrup that my oh used for his throat and used it as paint for her toys, everythign was covered in this sticky brown golden syruppy type liquid that took me hours to clean!!! she has also giv the dog a haircut, poor dog had clumps of hair missing out of her bk for weeks. she has spread fake tan on my mums new bedroom carpet! dished out salt over my kitchen sides!! cut the ends of my vertical blinds in her bedroom!! seriously you only need to be distracted for long enough to go to the loo and she has done something.

But she looks sweetness and light in my pics!!

needless to say you all now know why i prefer being a working mum and having OH as a househusband, full time dad lol :rotfl: :rotfl:


p.s just remembered the time she polished my ornaments with vic vapour rub!!
aw bless lol :rotfl:

Funny thing is though, all those things you described and most of the things my girls have done, in thier minds they probably think they are helping or they are just copying us but unintentionally getting it very wrong, so thier not really being naughty as such, so what are we supposed to do? :? :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: exactly but i must admit i was rubbish at punishing her, she just seemed to be so innocent when explaining why!!

i have another little girl on the way and was tryin to explain to my OH that if he thinks she is bad now, wait until they are teenagers becus that is when the fun starts. me and my sister were vile to each other except for when we were being vile to others lol. girls and hormones are a treat for parents :rotfl: :rotfl:


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