moses baskets


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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gina ford's contented little baby book says its better not to use a moses basket but to get LO used to the cot straight away, else wont want to switch when the time comes. any advice here? :)
well I haven't any experience yet but have watched a program on Gina ford and a lot of psychologists disagree with a lot she has to say.

I have also read the other side coming out of the womb the cot can feel to big and thats why some babies like been swaddled.

I have a moses basket but will find out in a few weeks how it works for my LO
I never had one, here in Canada they were really expensive and there was hardly any choice. So I put Kai in the bassinet on the top level of the playpen and he had no problems at all. He actually slept a lot better than he does now :wink:
I've bought a moses basket for beside our bed. The nursery is the other side of the house and I'd not sleep or rest easy knowing he was in a cot miles away from me! He'll be in his moses basket for a little while before I start making the transfer...and even then I expect I'll want to sleep in the other bedroom beside his.

I've heard and read a lot about Gina Ford, some of her stuff makes sense, other stuff I question as do other doctors and people in related fields. Not sure whether her theory on moses baskets holds much cop to be honest, that's certainlly on my "question it" list.
I was telling someone I know today about this theory she laughed. She has got three grown children and 2 grandchildren she said they all went through moses baskets and then all went into cots with no problems.

guess it comes down to your own personal choice and what suits your baby
Was talking bout this other day and lots of mums at work said they put the moses basket in the cot sometimes with babs in to get them used to it like a transition thing ?? :?
I wanted a moses basket cos its easy to bring up and downstairs when bubs in a tiny baby BUT we've also got a very boistrous young dog he's just over a year old so I was afraid he'd tip the basket so we went for a glider cradle as it will fit in our bedroom and the cot won't.

I think putting the moses basket into the cot as a transition is a great idea.

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