Moses baskets and cot bumper confusion!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
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My Mum and i are confuzzeled....How come all the advice given says cot bumpers shouldn't be used until the child is a year old due to risk of suffocation, yet moses baskets, which are even more closed in, are fine!?!
Any ideas ladies?
Young babies may wriggle under the bumper and suffocate.
I wasnt aware of the advice so used one and found my DD had wriggled under it so i removed it then health visitor told me they shouldnt be used .
Have used cot bumper for my last 2 as if u put them feet to foot wont be an issue for a few months !!!!
Mine never got under them but did make sure my mattress came up above the bottom of the bumper xxxx
Ah ha! didn't think of them wriggling undrneath! That makes sense, i'll put mum out of her misery as its been driving us mad trying to puzzle it out!
I use the cot bumper with Maisie and have had no problems with it as i put her to sleep at the bottom of her cot xx
I always do the feet to foot of the bed but my lil girl is a wriggler.
The cot looks so much cuter with a bumper on it.
you can also get cot bumpers buy . . .
all their bumpers have like a sheet attached to the bottom that you put the mattress on top of, and it keeps it secure, and instead of fabric ties it has velcro straps to attach it at the sides!
they are supposed to be a lot lot safer for use with babies!
I would guess also most moses baskets are made of straw type stuff and are breathable?

I never used a cot bumper til mine were over 1yr also did the feet to foot thing

I think theres so much conflicting advice its a wonder any of us know whats going on! xx

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