Moses Baskets and all the jazz


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Just wondering what everyones plans are on their babies sleeping situations.

I'm just thinking about what I need to buy before the baby gets here. I am thinking of getting a moses basket and 2 stands, one for downstairs and one for our room. Then moving the baby to it's cot in it's own room when it's older.

Have heard different things about moses baskets though, a lot of people tend to say they're a bit of a waste of time because the baby grows out of them so quickly.

What are you thinking of doing?
I'm planning on getting a moses basket for our room as I want the baby in with us for the first couple of months and then I can move the basket downstairs during the day for naps.

I don't think their a waste of time, obviously baby is going to grow out of it quickly but for those first few weeks/months I really want baby in our room and as theres no room for a cot then a moses basket it will have to be. :)
Yes think we will end up getting one........but baby will spend some of the evening in his/her own cot and be transferred to the moses basket later during the evening.

I want to make absolutely sure when the time comes for them to sleep in their own room, they enjoy the experience, and are used to it!!

(can you tell I have been reading all sorts of books..... :D )
I'd get a moses basket if I were you. When they are newborn they are use to being in such a small space that I found with my DD she hated being in her cot. I had to gradually introduce her to it. She was a lot happier in her moses basket. It's true she did grow out of it very quickly, but I do think it is worth buying one for them.
I still have my moses basket from DS, I'd definitely recommend getting one. If money's tight try asking on freecycle or looking in your local paper because they tend to come up quite a lot. Then you'll just need to get a new mattress but much cheaper.

DS was in his moses basket until about 9 weeks then went into an old swinging crib my mum lent me (bit bigger but still fit in my room). When they're tiny babies need the security that a small space gives them & a moses basket is good for that.
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Im going to get a moses basket too, but what Im thinking of doing is gradually placing the basket in the cot so that baby gets used to the different environment but in the relative comfort of their familiar basket! (if that makes any sense!) Also, you dont have to spend a lot of money on them- the one I want is only £23 in boots!
i've bought a moses basket (off ebay, brand new) & ive ordered a cot :)
I'm having a moses basket downstairs and a crib upstairs until baby is a bit bigger then going to move him into a cot.

My old cot which i had for my son 10y ago is knackered so my OH is turning the cot sides into a couple of stairgates!!! (ideal as they will be higher than bought stairgates - which hopefully means the dogs will not attempt to 'hurdle' them)

Sarah xxx
i didnt buy a moses basket with my DD, i had the money but just prefered her to get used to her cot and her own bedroom, mind you we was living in a bungalow so i was only in the next room. She had no problems and loved her cot anyway. i think this time id like to get one just because were moving next week into a 3 floor house, the ground floor is guest bedroom bathroom and laundry room, the second floor is living space; a big kitchen, big living room and open plan dining room, then the third floor is 3 bedrooms and bathroom. (yes i know alot of stair gates :lol: ) i think in the day time baby will nap in her moses basket close by me and then at night i will either swaddle her and put her in her cot, or maybe let her sleep in her moses basket IN her cot if shes feels happier doing that so she can still get used to her bedroom, bear in mind were only the other side of the wall. but it also all depends how much she feeds at night as i will (fingers crossed) be breast feeding.
Thankfully we don't need to buy a moses basket as we can have the one the bloke slept in as a baby 27 years ago and which had been passed on in the family ever since.

Various people told me not to buy one but rather borrow as they would be only in there for a short time. I'm actually amazed (and of course very grateful) at how much baby stuff gets thrown into our direction already.
I had a crib with my others! They are a little bigger than a moses basket and tend to last longer!
My first son hated it though and he had to sleep in his pram for the first week or two!
This time I was just going to get a travel cot with a basinette in and use that until she is in her own cot but OH said he is worried she will be like Joseph so we are going to get a moses basket for the first 3 months or so then use the travel cot until she goes into her own room!! :D
We've got a moses basket for naps downstairs during the day and a swinging crib for our bedroom. Eventually a cot for the babies bedroom/our bedroom depending on when baby moves into his own room.

I probably wouldn't have bought a swingnig crib but my mum has given me her moses basket and swinging crib which means no expense and no shifting the moses basket up and down the stairs. Unfortunately, my baby brother is sleeping in their cot so I have to buy my own one of those!! :roll: :lol: :lol:
Charmed said:
I'm planning on getting a moses basket for our room as I want the baby in with us for the first couple of months and then I can move the basket downstairs during the day for naps.

Snap! :D
At the moment Im planning on buying a c otbed for the babys room (when s/hes older) and plan on having a moses basket, although that wont be used during the day as I think Im borrowing a swinging crib from my mother that she had when my brother was born 14 yrs ago - the one from when I was born has 'mysteriously disappeared' from my dads house (or so he says)
Well ive got a moses basket and im getting a cotbed (which beleive it or not has to fit in our room as we only have a 1 bed house) I went for a cot bed for the long term financially benefit (very snug but we just about all fit!)

Im planning on putting the moses basket stand downstairs for day naps and then putting the moses basket in the cot for night sleeps. No idea if this will work or not but worth a try! I thought that way the baby may get used to the cot and it not be a big change?

Claire x

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