Morning Sickness


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Good afternoon Ladies!

After a couple of weeks feeling sick, I have finally been sick! It seems to be in the evening as well even though I've kept getting the feeling very strongly during the day!

My OH has been saying for weeks "I can't wait till your morning sickness kicks in because it's our baby thats doing it and its cute" - safe to say he's not carrying our child!! (He also fails to recognise that my body is going through so many changes!!). However it's not so cute when he has to rub my back late at night! Ha!

So my real problem is - I'm scared to eat, as when I have had something I just bring it back up. (Cheese toastie last night was never a good idea!).

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could try as I don't want to not eat! I have a couple of packets of ginger snaps in my cupboard....

Levi xxx
I stick to fairly dry food as I dont like the thought of sauces or rich flavours. I can't stand the smell of butter so toast is not an option for me. I snack on ritz crackers and eat scotch pancakes, pitta bread, pasta, rice and apparently naan bread is good for you (my OH got it off the internet the other day, has calcium in it).
With my first pregnancy the nurse said to me to eat whatever I feel like I CAN eat...even if it was a mars bar. Hope you feel better xx
Thank you very much! I might see how toast goes down... or pancakes! They sound amaaazing right now! My mouth is watering haha!

:) xxx
toast isnt pleasant to throw up. as an ex eating disorder person i can give ya tips on what the worst things to upchuck are lol. try soup and bread and butter or anything watery. creamy things curdle. chips arent good.
Thanks Bev! I'm trying to convince the OH to go get me pancakes - as I feel sick so not really up for driving. But will he? No. Bloody men honest!!

I dont like soup though :$ xx
lol the worst things are chips, spicy stuff and meat really. anything processed is ok and anything cake or buiscuit like is ok too, just drink plenty of water with it.
Good morning! I managed to keep down - 6 pancakes, a pot noodle and a yoghurt!! Ha. I was drinking a lot of water this time as well. But it all seemed to digest which is a better feeling than bringing it back up :D. Thank you!! xxx

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