Morning Sickness has come back!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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Thought i'd finally stopped with the morning sickness after having FIVE whole days not being sick (but still feeling queasy 24/7) but this morning was sick again.....arghhh its crept back!!!! Ive had it since week 5 of pregnancy (week 4 for the queasiness) and i thought i'd lost ot just in time for christmas dinner...oh well :( Does it ever go?
Oh you poor thing! Morning sickness is awful. In my last pregnancy, I had it the whole way through, with only about a week off in the middle, but that was twins, so I guess that was why.
This time, mine eased off at around 16 weeks, and so far it hasn't returned, but I'm always terrified it will.
I still feel a bit queasy when I am tired in the mornings.

Have you tried ginger? (Didn't work for me :( ) Or try eating something the minute you wake up - sometimes this helps, sometimes not.

Anyway, I hope it doesn't stick around long for you and you get to enjoy your Christmas dinner xxx
I shouldn't really be in here - I'm in Tri-1 but was just having a snoop.

I'm 9w5 and have been sick since about 4w (before I knew I was pregnant) - I'm desperately hoping the sickness will stop by 12wks but having read your posts I'm now thinking I'm going to be one of those unlucky people who has it all the way through.

I get it worst about 5mins after I get out of bed - dry retching for about 10mins. Then usually I have another session about 10:30. Then just feel quesy for the rest of the day.....
Yeah ive tried Ginger, Peppermint, eating dry toast or crackers in the morning, thoese bands you put on your wrists to ease the sickness....pretty much everything! I guess my bubba is just a fussy eater :roll: Hope you girls are able to enjoy ya christmas dinners :D
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

You poor thing, I think mine is going now, it's been easing up for the last week and today I am feeling good for a change - apart from the stinking cold and cough!
bless ya hun, hope it was just a little bug and ur feeling much better now :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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