I had hyperemyesis my first pregnancy. It was the thing that most worried me about getting pregnant again. Thankfully it wasn't nearly as bad with #2. I was throwing up from 4 weeks but it wasn't every time I moved. I was too scared to ask for meds because I have had so many allergic reactions to medications so didn't want to mess with medication while pregnant. Meds seem to be hit and miss. They help some ladies loads and make no difference for others. Eating little and often and laying down a lot helped me some. The travel bands were good but made my wrists swell so I couldn't use them much. No way I could have worked through the sickness though. Most of the time it was as much as I could do to lay on the floor and watch DD play, first pregnancy I couldn't have even done that. It is important to listen to your body if you can. I found when I pushed it I'd be much worse for a couple of days. If I took it really easy I could maintain the sickness where it was.