Morning sicknesd


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Has anyone got any remedies that actually worked to alleviate morning/ all day nausea? I feel so rough!

Has the seabands worked for anyone? X
The sea and do nothing for me , I'm really struggling I feel faint all the time too , like I cant breathe x
Sipping icy cold water and sparkling water helped me last time. Stocking up again as I'm getting that godawful familar feeling back :-(
Ginger nuts helped take the edge off me first thing but apart from that I ended up just avoiding the things that made me sick, tea was one of them and I love tea! Plus driving. My car made me puke every time! Xx
Dried bread, crackers and ginger nuts helped me last time. Brought some ginger chewing gum for this one but luckily not needed it yet. I found the sea bands made me feel more sick with my first but have heard they work for some people, just a try and see with most things I think. I know a lot of mums swear by acupuncture? Xx
For the first 20 weeks of my last pregnancy all I could have was full fat coke all day, every meal I ate came straight back up and nothing else worked (but mine was severe). The GP prescribed me anti-sickness tablets which helped a lot too . Good luck! Xx
I tried EVERYTHING they diagnosed me with HG & put me on 2 types of medication but I still kept throwing them up so in the end I just got on with it but it is trial and error because what may work for one person doesn't for another..

People say ginger & ice lollies, flat Dr Pepper, Lemon, Ice lollies or ice, water etc

I used to wake up and eat belvita breakfast biscuits before I got up have dry toast for breakfast then suck on dry ryvita on the way to work & munch salt & vinegar sticks all day with sugary juice like Ribena. I spewed most of it back up to the point I was throwing up blood too but it made me feel better to actually get something in if that makes sense.

I had a period of time in the evening between 7pm - 9pm where I could eat anything so I used to make a HUGE healthy dinner ram it down then blend loads of fruit with spinach in my Nutri-Ninja Bullet & down that before going to sleep just so I knew I had something good in my system for baby xx
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I had to have tablets and was signed off work. Bland foods worked best for me and lots of full fat coke. Eating little and often does help and only eating what you fancy. Hang in there.
Ready salted crisps have been a life saver in both my pregnancies. Also, dry cereal like bran flakes helps too.

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