I tried EVERYTHING they diagnosed me with HG & put me on 2 types of medication but I still kept throwing them up so in the end I just got on with it but it is trial and error because what may work for one person doesn't for another..
People say ginger & ice lollies, flat Dr Pepper, Lemon, Ice lollies or ice, water etc
I used to wake up and eat belvita breakfast biscuits before I got up have dry toast for breakfast then suck on dry ryvita on the way to work & munch salt & vinegar sticks all day with sugary juice like Ribena. I spewed most of it back up to the point I was throwing up blood too but it made me feel better to actually get something in if that makes sense.
I had a period of time in the evening between 7pm - 9pm where I could eat anything so I used to make a HUGE healthy dinner ram it down then blend loads of fruit with spinach in my Nutri-Ninja Bullet & down that before going to sleep just so I knew I had something good in my system for baby xx