Speaking of sickness, what can you guys eat?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Hi guys, I'm 7-8 weeks along and finding it a real struggle to find things I'm able to eat (and keep down). I was thinking maybe there'd be more sickness sufferers out there who would like to join in and add their personal tips to the thread?

My personal criteria: Food must be bland & plain (to the brink of tasteless!) and dry. No sauces or melted cheese or anything like that.

Things I can eat:
* Plain shreddies w/ semi skimmed milk
* Pesto, pine nut & spinnach pasta salad from Waitrose (very mild flavour)
* Dry biscuits, plain
* Crackers or white mini baguettes with butter
* Mildly sweet buns, just plain. No icing or raisins etc.
* Veg. guyrie cheese escalopes w/ a few seasoned weggies

This is all of what I'm living on at the moment! Unfortunately fruit, veg & healthy foods are completely out of the question at the moment, other than a few salads if I'm semi okay at the time. So hearing what works for you would be most helpful :-)
i can eat things really the only problem i have is when it comes to big meals in the evenings. i feel like im starving and i really fancy sumthing but when i eat a few mouthfuls i start feeling sick!!! xxxxx
My lunch today is dry crusty bread and some red grapes!

Red grapes are the only fruit I can even go near at the moment and my weekly shop just consisted of potatoes and eggs so looking forward to my exciting dinners!!

I have gone right off meat, can't bear the sight or smell of it :puke:

I am just taking it day by day coz it changes all the time! As long as I am eating and taking my pregnancy vitamins I am not too worried for the time being.
White bread sandwiches with Quorn chicken, frazzels and salad cream.

Marmite toast

thats about it!! xxxx
im eating mainly toast. and the odd baked potatoe! cant go any where near meat, the smell of it cooking is just vile! i keep trying to make great salads full of healthy things but i just cant eat them at the moment! i find boiled sweets help me also when im feeling really sick. Roll on 2nd tri and hopefully we can get out healthy appetites back!!
God i know how you all feel, i am really worried that i am not giving my little one the right nutrients as i am living (existing) on hardly anything. If i can eat, which is not very often, all i can stomach are plain, salty things like crisps! I do manage a cooked meal at night, but feel so full after two folk fulls!, Then leave it twenty minutes and i am starving again! Just can't win.

Hi Guys,

I too have gone off meat completely, and I have even started to cook plain quorn pieces to get some protein but even they are far from pleasant!! Sausages are the worst thing and my o/h keeps making them for himself when I am too sick to want dinner! I have found myself living off cereal with completely skimmed milk most of the time so at least my baby wont be short of wholegrain goodness, other than that Marks and Spencers do amazing fruit salads which help with my 5 a day!!!!

Love Evie x
You know, it's funny you say that because those are the only things I can eat too. Cereal (plain all-bran), biscuits & salads (meat free) for lunch. Really struggling for dinner tho!

So I'm thinking
wholegrain - cereal
Fruit & veg - salad for lunch
Protein - struggling on this one too!

We will be trying pancakes today of course, I'm quite keen to see if it works!
Navel oranges or clementines, can't get enough of them, :D
Sales in Andrex toilet roll are going up tho :wall:
In the very beginning could eat just vegetable salad (cucumber+tomato+creme freche+salt) and some bread. No can eat most of vegetables (but completely gone off cucumbers and tomatoes, had too much of both),most fruits(pears-mmmm, delicious!), bread, milk products (exc. cheese). From the very beginning can't even stand the smell of meat (and before I was a complete meat-eater!) I am 10 weeks pregnant:-)
Like most of you, I can only stomach bland/dry foods, and I too have gone completely off meat. I used to love eating vegetables, but can barely touch them these days.
All my favourite foods taste completely different now, can't wait til my taste buds goes back to normal and my appetite goes back up.
also can only eat things i fancy which include:
bacon sandwich
kfc chicken strips
plain hola hoops
dry cereal
boilded sweets
not gone off meat like most of u have :think:

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