More bleeding today and pain-Another Update! 22.56pm


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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As a lot of you know, spotting and bleeds have featured greatly in this pregnancy.

I have been admitted twice.

From this morning I have had bits of spotting. This evening started getting pains and went to the loo and was more spotting when I wiped.

(TMI) Decided to feel for where mycervix is. Curiosity I guess. It was really low (I have a high retro cervix - means I have to have long speculums and sweep was impossible in last pregnancy)

My finger almost went right into my cervix. Pulled out before it went too far. Was lots of white CM on finger and when I wiped, quite a bit of red blood.

Pains have been like backache and sharp pains that go across my stomach and some down towards my fangita.

Am scared to call hospital, as I don't want to be admitted again. Am just scared.

Bubs is moving fine though. So, I am happy about that.


I am back home.
Blood pressure was a little higher than normal, but nothing dangerous.
Babies heartbeat was fine :)
Doc did not listen to me abour retro cervix. Could not see it with speculum (as I think she pushed it past where I can feel it), got frustrated and just swabbed anyway. She just kept muttering 'I cannot see the cervix' Made me feel i can trust her competence :rotfl:

Anyway, got another UTI. Only finished antibiotics two weeks ago. So, that could account for bleeding and pain I think - am guessing because the reg was in a bad mood and didn't say much lol

So thats it really :)

Other than that, my fundal height. I was told baby seemed to be growing at an accelarated rate. Anyway, at 27 weeks, my FH was 28 - which is nothing. At 30 + 4, my fundal height is 37! Goes way off the chart! I am sure my consultant will double check it on the 12th. Think I may have a growth scan that day too.

Thanks for all the lovely messages of concern. It is reallynice of you all :hug: :hug: :hug:

Had some spotting today and pains. Then stomach pains wereso bad as I was sick. Sat on the loo to be sick. When I wiped after, there was some more blood with stringy blood too. Since then have been having an heavy sensation in my pelvis and getting pains across my oelvis and back.

Am starting to get a little depressed over it all :(
If it is fresh blood you really should give them a call and see if they would like you to go in. The fact you are also having pains would be of concern to me. I think you at least need to talk to a MW and explain to her.

If it was spotting on its own I'd feel happier and suggest stay home and keep an eye and go in if anything changes, but its a bit more than that. I'd not risk it tbh.

Call and if need be go get checked out :hug: :hug: :hug: Please :)
thank you Sherry :hug: . I know that you are right. Especially as tonight I am at my partners house in Nuneaton. The hospital local to here don't look at you if you are before 34 weeks. My hospital is in Birmingham.

Will give them a call soon x
I second what sherlock said.
You don't want to risk it will put your mind at rest if you get checked.
Hope you get it sorted. :hug: :hug:
Thank you ladies.

Had a bath to see if it settled the pain. Had a pain that stopped me getting out. nearly took my breath away.

Phoned delivery triage and they said to come in with my overnight bag.

Will keep you all updated x
awww hope everything is ok hun. Tis good that you're getting checked out xxxxxx
fuffins1981 said:
Thank you ladies.

Had a bath to see if it settled the pain. Had a pain that stopped me getting out. nearly took my breath away.

Phoned delivery triage and they said to come in with my overnight bag.

Will keep you all updated x

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think its the best thing to do. I'm sure you will be in the best place to make sure you and LO are safe and well.
All the best Fuffins, I definitely think you're doing the right thing.

Hope everything is ok :hug:
Sorry to hear this.

I'm so glad you've gone in, I too had bleeding in late pregnancy and you are better off being there just in case it gets worse.

They told me my placenta was fine, but after the birth the MW had a look and she thought it had a bit missing :shock:

Hope you're OK
I hope eveything goes ok Sophie. You are in good hands now! :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww poor you love
hope your om you did the right thing ringing
how r u now hunny????

sarah :hug: :hug: :hug:
Happy to hear that you our home Sophie and baby is ok :D :hug:
Hope your blood pressure goes back to normal soon

sarah xxx :hug: :wave:
Thank you ladies. Me too!

Glad baby still wants to cook for a little while longer.

Bubs is celebrating today by trying to kick their way out! :rotfl:

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