Mood swings and emotions....HELP PLEASE!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hi girls. Just wanted to know if anyone has any advise for me regarding hormones. I have been on a emoitional rollercoaster lately and its putting tension between me and my fiance`. I cry over nothing, accuse him of doing things he's not...supposidly. :oops: I cant controll this and I dont want it to drive a wedge between me and my fiance`. can anyone help me? :pray:
Hi Heather :)
Would love to say I can help...Unfortunatly I can't :( Just wanted to let you know I'm going through exactly the same thing!
I tried to explain to my partner that its my hormones and its to be expected but he doesn't seem to understand :?
I find the only thing that keeps me calm and quiet at the moment is chocolate :D
Hope you manage to solve the problem..xx
Thank you :wave: Its good to know Im not the only one havin temper tantrums!!! Guess its all part of pregnancy!!! Oh well....we'll get through it!! Good luck to you and your fiance`!!! :hug:
Hope you feel better soon, honey!

Thankfully I don't have the hormones as a symptom at the moment. Which I'm really happy about. Got my sickness and acid to have fun with at the mo! :puke:
My hubby gets it too he's had ear bashings over everything and nothing i do feel sooooo bad and i do appologise after but i really gotta try and bite ma lip of summit instead, :?
Im trying to work on it but sometimes it just comes out like word vomit!! :puke:

Ah bless ya babe, i know that feeling toooooo well :hug:
How did u get ur Icon? Ive tried tog et one but cant figure out how to get it.. :think:
I go from extreme happiness to feelings of pure panic. As the day goes on I get a bit crabbit too and everyone pisses me off.

But hey, we're pregnant - and it's not as easy as I thought it was going to be.

I'm lucky that my hubby just ignores my mood swings, he seems to understand. So when it comes to the apologies (once I've calmed down) he just say's it's OK, he's knows it's just hormones.

At the moment i'm really in love with him, but in a few hours - who knows :rotfl: :rotfl:
haha :rotfl: I luv it!!! Im so glad there r forums for us to vent and talk 2 other girls that actually go through the same stuff we're goin through. makes it so much easier. :hug:
I'm surprised my OH and I are still together going by some of the arguments we had in the early weeks. :oops: Most of which were entirely my fault I have to say. I was so picky and over sensitive with everything he did. I even made him move out! :wall:

I'm very glad to say since about week 14 things have really improved and I'm now very much in love with him again. Thankfully he didn't give up on me either ;)

Hang in there, it gets better, make the most of the good days to tell him you do love him and it's just the hormones.

Thank you! I luv ur picture of your scan!! I cant wait till Im farther along to actually see the baby's form and everything. I have my first scan tomorrow to hear the heart beat and see the little penut for the first time!! I cant wait :cheer:
Good luck with your first scan today Heather :hug:

That scan photo on my profile is of my son at 13 weeks. I thought it amazing how well formed he was at such an early stage. :D


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