

Active Member
Jan 16, 2012
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Hi Ladies.
My wee girls is 6 weeks old. She will not sleep a lenght of time at night ANYWHERE apart from the big cot in her bedroom. Unfortunatly our bedroom is not big enough to bring the cot in. If she is in her moses basket or mini cot she wakes all the time and doesn't go back to sleep during the night. I am not keen on leaving her in there by herself but if thats the only way she is going to sleep then theres not much choice, for both of our sakes. I want to get a video monitor though. Can anyone reccommend any ? I have been looking at TOMY TDV450 as it has a night vision mode and well she sleeps in the dark.
Thanks for your replys
We have the summer video monitor, i find it great, night vision is really good on it too, We also use the snuza breathing monitor on her nappy so if the alarm goes off we wil hear it trough the video monitor, i only got that because she was having breathing probs and puts my mind at ease, not that she has spent much time in bed without one of us lol but the few nights she has the video was a god send
I would be wary of buying a Tomy monitor again! My handset seems to have broken 3 months after buying it and buying rechargeable batteries doesnt seem to have fixed it. Grrrr!
Thanks Ladies ! I am not keen to spend a lot of money on something that is going to break in 3 months so I am glad I posted about it befor buying .
I will have a look at the Summer Video Monitor , thanks !

i've just bought a john lewis one because i had a tomy classic and it's broken already to be fair though i did buy it before xmas so it's not brand new but it cant break in the box on it's own can it? ebay had loads of great bargains mine was only £28 it's a factory model one so it's brand new. i like it because it has two wat talk back so i can shush harry and not have to stop what i'm doing or keep going into where he is to see if he's ok
We've finally fixed our Tomy monitor handset but we had to use Sellotape to strap the batteries in to keep a connection! Not impressed!
We have a motorola one with video, night vision, two way sound and music Alyssia has been in her room since 7 weeks old and I was the same as you wanted to be able to see her and check and this does the job perfectly. The Only critism I can give is the battery dosent seem to last very long but think im just being picky its this one

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