Mom Nat

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Yeah I think I saw those last time, those were taken by her OH, I meant the proper modelling ones.
Yeah what happened to them?

Il scan and post up my moddelling pic later . wouldnt want you all thinking i was faking it :D
cassi said:
Yeah what happened to them?

Il scan and post up my moddelling pic later . wouldnt want you all thinking i was faking it :D

Hey great I'd love to see it...I love stuff like that.
I missed the boat with modelling, but my older two have both modelled for the Scottish Wedding Directory. :cheer:

Emilia xx
kieran did a vauxhall advert in either 95 or 96. you wouldnt see him as there were about 200 babies. worst 3 days of my life. i wouldnt put him through it again.

went there (at the studios were the original bb was, cant remember the name) and my old pe teacher was one of the models mums, and talk about all luvies bragging about what their kids had done.
Oooh looking forward to seeing everyone's model pics!

I'm too fat and ugly :lol: I was the village carnival queen :rotfl: Had a posh frock and big frizzy fringe :rotfl:
You so aren't fat and ugly kina, and even if you were (which your not!) nowadays you get some right dogs modelling :)
Had my piccie taken in work a few years ago for a staff circular, but it has since appeared on various promotional thingies for our organisation..including a 10 ft blown up version on a board!! It was at a launch, and I was soooo embarrassed, everyone was looking going "is that you!!?" I worked in our call centre at the time, and was wearing one of them headsets!! NOT a sexy look. I swear the only reason they took my piccie was coz all the others were the wrong side of forty, and the only other person of my age Vicky (who incidently is a model and drop dead gorgeous) was on her day off!!! Bet they were gutted when they realised!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

My mum carries a copy of the picture in her bag and shows it to everyone!!! :oops:
zoe you should try and get your pooch into modelling -
youre terrible

have you seen a piccie of me. be on the cover of vogue soon :rotfl: :rotfl: cant find an emoticon of a pig flying.
in my secret stash of flying pig smilies :D
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