contents insurance...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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...weve just cancelled our contents insurance and our letting agency have sent us this:

"We have just received notification from Homelet that you have cancelled the contents insurance policy with them for the above mentioned property.

Therefore we assume that you have taken out alternative cover and look forward to receiving a copy of your cover note within the next 7 days.


Can they force us to have home insurance? :|
We get this when we cancelled ours, its best to have insurance though, so they are just looking out for you really and your property!
Its always best to have contents insurance even when you think you dont need it :)

But no, I dont think they can force you :think:
You can't be forced to take out contents insurance. Building insurance can usually be 'forced' if you own your own home but insuring your content is entirely up to you. It's wise to have it (incase of theft of you spill a can of coke over the DVD player etc...they will be able to replace what you have lost/broken etc) but it's completely optional.
we thought at 1st that it was a good deal, was only £9.99 a month. But then they sent us a million letters and one said that if we claimed anything we would have to pay the 1st £100. TBH i cant see us needing more than £100 to replace anything! :roll: Just seems like a waste of money.
If you rent from someone else you don't have to have building insurance as the owners should have this but if you are the ones living there and renting from somone i would recommend you get contents insurance.

A couple of friends of mine were burgled and had laptops, TV, CD player etc.... stolen. They had also gone out in one car and left the keys for the other car in the flat. The b*****ds took the car as well and went through 7 speed cameras and my firend had to prove she wasn't the one driving. Also they used the car for drug tafficing so she never got it back and had to claim off the insurance. :roll:

My DH insures anything that i can possibly break as i am a little accident prone!!!!
jenna said:
. TBH i cant see us needing more than £100 to replace anything!

Remember if you had a fire or a flood or got burgled you'd be replacing lots and lots of stuff.
I recently claimed on mine so I def. say its worth it.
Can you not find another insurance company where the excess is less.. we pay the first £50 and thats it, we could get hundreds back, we recently claimed for our wall, i know its bulidings insuarnce and you dont need to worry but we got £879 back.. and we only paid £50..

find somewhere cheaper for you..
could do...we only have 7days though lol. I think that email was a bit snotty TBH. Think im going to look over the contract. I didnt mind paying the £10 but DH kept moaning about it and cancelled it. Might not kick us out now but they will when the 6months is up :(
The thing I find with any kind of insurance is you always think 'Oh I wont need that' but when the time comes and something does happen you're kicking yourself.

Fair enough you'll have to pay an excess but it'll be cheaper than trying to start from scratch if you lost everything :)
if you did it online you get the letter there and then i think.. failing that just ring up and say you need a quote asap
jenna i got an £800 lappy ( well voucher broiught 2 lappies) and only paid the £100 excess when i accidently spilt tea in one i brought 2nd hand lol

but its also part of my contract that i have to have contents insurance , as it also covers carpets etc which of cause are not yours when u rent !
Hi we rent and its in the tenancy agreement that we have to have contents insurance
We havnt checked ours yet. Hopefully it wont be in. The letting agency actually own the insurance company aswell, it just smelt fishy to me :think:
I've rented for ages without contents insurance - I moved into my own place at 18 and didn't even know what contents insurance was. None of the agents I went through ever suggested it or asked me for proof of it.

We only got it a couple of weeks ago because OH owns guitars and a drum kit, and we've bought more electrical stuff recently.

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