Mom Nat

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Your a model aint you Mom Nat??

Can I ask what, where when etc you have modelled?? I didnt know who else to ask but I saw you were a model on your profile and wanted to pick your brains.

My friend has recently had a portfolio of photos taken by a photographer and has been taken on by an agency, how ever this agency wants her to pay a monthly fee to keep her on the books?? Is this dodgy??

You seemed like the best person to ask as you have a lot of experience I assume in this field!!

I did a low-key day of modelling clothes and some swimwear a few years ago (when I was eighteen) and this was in London with this now defunked company called Star (they wanted me to do more stuff but I said no) and I also did some modelling for a photographer called Steve Davies last year who has worked with various magazines but I have chosen to leave the modelling until next year or maybe later than that as i'll be busy with baby

As for asking for a monthly fee, this should not happen. No model should pay a monthly fee. The company should be paying your friend, not the other way round. She should seriously have a chat with the company she works for and discuss this with them

HTH x x

PS I have a link to a site your friend might be interested in if you'd like me to PM it to you
Thats great Nat thanks for your advice, I just didnt know who else to ask!! I hope you didnt mind, I thought it all seemed a bit suspicious I will pass the info on. Wow, so you have done some pretty good stuff, low key dont be so modest!! Will you put your baby into modelling seeing as you have contacts?? Have you got any pictures?

Who is your agent? My friend says she should have an agent but doesnt know where to start.
momnat your modeling pictures from your profile are gone - the ones of you on the bed .... i was going to tell jadeybaby to look.

What swimwear did you model? full wet suit or just snorkel and mask? :rotfl:
budge said:
momnat your modeling pictures from your profile are gone - the ones of you on the bed .... i was going to tell jadeybaby to look.

What swimwear did you model? full wet suit or just snorkel and mask? :rotfl:

Yep I had to get rid of those photos - they caused A LOT of problems for me

The swimwear was swimsuits and bikinis and in the future i'd love to do wet suits and snorkel, masks and flippers :D
i think the snorkel and mask would be cool! :D

i have some pictures of me in diving gear. Maybe i could make a few quid with them.
budge said:
i think the snorkel and mask would be cool! :D

i have some pictures of me in diving gear. Maybe i could make a few quid with them.

Bet there is a budgie somewhere on those too hun :rotfl: xx
What were these photos of then Momnat for you to get into trouble? And who with?? Sounds a bit sinister!!
JaidyBaby said:
What were these photos of then Momnat for you to get into trouble? And who with?? Sounds a bit sinister!!

It's a long story but there is a reason why they are not on my profile anymore

Is it ok if I add you to my MSN?
Yeah thats fine no worries :D

Sorry didnt mean to be nosey, just seems people have seen them and I was intrigued!!
nikki1306 said:
budge said:
i think the snorkel and mask would be cool! :D

i have some pictures of me in diving gear. Maybe i could make a few quid with them.

Bet there is a budgie somewhere on those too hun :rotfl: xx

:rotfl: you are a devil nikki!
Im was going to be a thinking of doing it when i lose this baby weight...i used to be a model when i was like 4 for kiddy clothes...would these count in a portfolio?
Best person to ask Cassi is Momnat, I should think if you have had some experience even as a child you could still model?? I think its quite easy to get into modelling these days, you dont have to be totally gorgeous and perfect any more, they take all sorts of shapes, sizes and faces
Aww thats good, what are you trying to say about my shape and size though? lol..

Cant wait! Do you think i should put Jakob into modelling too?

Can you do mother and baby modelling?

cas xx
I was very briefly a child model but I wouldn't hold the womans hand as she smelt funny :rotfl:
:rotfl: at Beanie, bless, I can just see you as a child, all innocent saying 'Im not holding your hand sweaty betty!! ' Lol.

Go for it Cassi, mother and baby modelling would be great, cant see why you cannot do it together, you see it a lot in mothercare etc.

Ps. Bet you got a lovely shape and size!! Model material xxx
Momnat I didn't realise you had done actual modelling...have you got any of the pics? :)
Apparantly there were some on her profile, see her website? Some have been removed she said but there may still be some other ones on there im not sure
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