Molly born 28/07/06 c-section - highs and lows


Thank you so much for your replies and congrats, everything is making me well up, bloody hormones, but very grateful for the response, I'm such a proud Mummy, she is gorgeous isn't she!!! :D

Off for another feed! I love it!

Speak soon off to enjoy my little one now!

Kat x
So sorry you had such a terrible time but boy little Molly is so worth it what a gorgeous little girl :D
Oh she is so adorable, I bet you are glad that it is all over and done with now

Isabella 5lb 12oz, 13/07/06 - 37+1 weeks
AAw Kat she really is beautiful.. and what an ordeal you went through.. has me a bit worried about my section on Thursday, i have heard there can be some feeding problems after a section- bloody crap staff don't help do they!!

Its great to hear that Molly is now doing so well and that you are both thriving and enjoying each other.. that is inspiring after such a frightening time at the beginning.

Take care
Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous baby daughter.

My heart goes out to you for the terrible time you had. My Isaac is only just short of 9 weeks old and it's fresh in my mind the emotions of it all. He was premature and had to go to the neo natal unit too, only for a day and a half but it was so upsetting.

It must have been so worrying for you with Molly losing so much weight. I wish the midwives wouldn't bully women when it comes to breast feeding. The same thing happened to me one night, a particular midwife forced Isaac onto me, he wasn't interested at all. He was screaming his head off, it's so upsetting and enough to put new mums off bf for ever.

So glad that things have turned around for you now with the help of the newborn unit staff. They were fabulous at City Hospital in Nottingham too.

Enjoy your new bundle!
what a time you had.. glad it all worked out well in the end... Molly is gorgeous.. and she looks so content... and smiling.


Please please please don't be put off by my story! It sounds worse than it was to be honest most of it has already faded from my memory! I would def do it again, especially as I now know what to do, the worst part is being a first time Mum and having no support and no idea what to do! I expected the recovery to be the worst part and I am totally amazed by how good I feel and how mobile I am. The only advice I would give to someone going for a c-section is get as much info and support as poss concerning breast feeding if that is the way you want to go, as it took nearly six days for my milk to come in which was distressing when natural birth mothers on the ward were breast feeding their newborn babies within hours.

Thanks again everyone

Kat x
shes gorgeous, sorry it was traumatic for you and poor molly
Congratulations and well done. Molly is beautiful. :lol:
Ho my she is absoultly stunning - she looks like she is smiling.

What a pretty girl!


L x

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