mobile phone


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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hey guys!

im gonna buy a new mobile (mine keeps breaking and its generally crap)

quite like some of the tesco ones and ones on other networks.

question-- if i buy a phone on tesco or orange or something, is there anyway to get it unlocked over the internet so i can put my o2 sim card in it?

thanks girls!! :lol:
I don't think you can with most of the newer phones these days. I had this problem when I bought a pay as you go phone! :think:
There is some places online that do it and people on ebay do it aswell or you could buy the cable and do it yourself (I wouldn't like to do it myself though personally)

Most markets do it aswell as some phone shops that might be near you.

Depends on how new the phone is though as the software/cables might not yet be available if it's too new. It can also be quite expensive depending on the phone.

Also if you get one on orange or other network then get it unlocked it will still have all the network branding (oranges network branding annoys me because it's got a stupid little side menu on the main screen and slows the phone down) so if you didn't like the branding then you would have to pay to get it debranded aswell.

Hope all that makes sense, lol
Most of your ''back street'' mobile phone shops can unlock your mobile phone now for a small fee (usually a fiver or tenner depending on make and model) or if you get an O2 phone and put a different SIM in it BEFORE You put the O2 Sim in it will work (or has for the past 5 years for me and my partner) OR if you buy it from the car phone warehouse they apparently don't have their phones locked (so im told so don't hold me to it!).

As someone said above though, Orange brand their phones so you can unlock it but it will still have all the orange menus and certain ones loced (that orange decide they don't want you to use :x ) and the only way to shift this is to put some now firmware on it but this is usually a case of finding it yourself online and uplading it to your phone and if you dont know what you are doing you 'might' nack the phone up.

O2 are the best phones for not being branded - hence why I always get o2 - they don't even force you to have the o2 network wording accoss the phone as they leave the option on the phones to make it invisable!
claire2711 said:
hey guys!

im gonna buy a new mobile (mine keeps breaking and its generally crap)

quite like some of the tesco ones and ones on other networks.

question-- if i buy a phone on tesco or orange or something, is there anyway to get it unlocked over the internet so i can put my o2 sim card in it?

thanks girls!! :lol:

I thought tesco use o2 as their network provider?

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