*Moan*......Is it just me.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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That feels like a prisoner of my own body??

I feel so bad for moaning and when all said and done would rather all the things that I complain about if it means having a healthy pregnancy but I feel Soooooo moany!

Sick of feelin knackered even though I've been lucky enough to finish work early, sick of this pissin heartburn, sick of the pregnancy making me be a frigid alien and SICK of my SPD symptoms.

I then worry about dividing my time with my beautiful gorgeous little man and the new baby. Its so horrible to say but I almost feel as though the new one will be a little intruder and I don't want my DS to suffer in anyway. I know it will be ok but I still fret about it :-(

I'm so sorry to be so moany but it's just how I feel and to know I have at least 11 weeks left is a ball-ache.

I have so much to be grateful for but feel so sad right now. OH is the best, I can say that but I can't even explain properly to him how I feel xx
I can't wait to feel normal again, though I have to say since hearing about Amanda Holden Im really thankful for the kicks every day now. Im tired of the fat legs and tiredness too x
I have nothing to add - just wanna give you some :hugs:xx
Sorry you're feeling down. It's only natural to have doubts and worries at various points as well as feeling crap! If you think about it, we put up with 9 months of being pregnant and it's bound to take it's toll at times. At the end of the day you know you will love the little one to bits and how lovely for your son to have a little brother or sister. It's not long to go now :) x
Thank you guys. And hugs right back Miss.

I'm just feeling sorry for myself. And goodness, I'm sure Amanda Holden would give anything to feel shitty but get her baby at the end of it so it makes me feel even worse that I can't shake this feeling. knowing that there's a whole lot of people who would kill to be in my position and I just feel low. I'm hoping it's hormonal and once I'm better prepared, buying stuff for Jaiden and packing my bag in a few weeks I'll feel more positive and less like a whiney bitch!

Thank you for not judging me and I honestly do appreciate the fact that im very lucky, despite my gripes xx
Oh hun i am sure when everyone gets to your stage they are fed up. Little man won't be an intruder either...i get that sort of feeling kind of, i havent got no kids but i still think like that. Not that long hun, you have all of us here to help too :) x
Oh hun i am sure when everyone gets to your stage they are fed up. Little man won't be an intruder either...i get that sort of feeling kind of, i havent got no kids but i still think like that. Not that long hun, you have all of us here to help too :) x

Aww, thank you sweetie. Means a lot! Miss you lot, can't wait til ur over with us in Tri 3! Xx
I feel the same way about splitting my time between new baby & my son & worry about how Joseph will feel. I've been making the effort to involve him in everything to do with the pregnancy. This baby is 'our baby' & he talks to my tummy loads now. If you read my post today about what happened this morning it might make you smile.
Big hugs to you hun & I'm sure it's all those pesky hormones & all will be fine once bubs arrives xxx

Sunnyb xxx
Awww Lexus I'm sure how you're feeling is how most people are...you're just brave and honest enough to say it! I'm a big believer in being honest about how you're feeling so in my book you're totally healthy! Big hugs and I hope you feel a bit brighter soon.

Awww, we miss you too won't be long until we are joining you again :) xx
I feel exactly the same & im not even as far on as u!
constant sickness, headaches, backaches, exhaustion, doctors demanding bedrest etc! its all getting too much for me!x
Thanks Wish! Ive always had to blurt out how I feel, for my sins. Was feeling much better today and now feel crappy again so know it's deffo hormones and I'll be fine! Just a lil blip!
I feel exactly the same & im not even as far on as u!
constant sickness, headaches, backaches, exhaustion, doctors demanding bedrest etc! its all getting too much for me!x

Aww Hun, hope this passes for you! How far gone are you? (I can't see ur ticker if u have one as I'm on my phone) When I was in Tri 1 and 2 for a little while there was no let up from feeling crap :-( I then had quite a good run of feeling fairly energised so I'm sure it will arrive for you soon enough babe.

Hang in there and moan on here like me if you need to!!

*big hugs*

Lexusno1 - Everything will fine just need to chillax able to erase the worries, it'll not intruder just you need to create time for him and make sure you talk and spend quality time to together,,, I know time is hard but just remember if you stay positive and calm which is hard you'll see the end result is priceless babe,, I sometimes when am down i asked myself why even am I pregnant where I should be thankfully god that bless me with kid..so take after yourself and remember where all here for you and eachother to support to get through this,,,
I feel like shit too. Down in the dumps a lot for no reason. Getting fed up of my sciatica, sore to walk and sleep with :( Tired all day, wide awake at night. And now I've started thinking how at the end I won't suddenly feel energetic and less tired cos ill have a baby to look after. And I suddenly feel guilty after I think like that. All I do is worry worry worry, with lots of emotional moments. Hurry up May!! Xxx
Big hugs lovely......not long to go now and I'm sure other people with kids already worry about sharing their time but I'm sure it'll all fall into place when Lo arrives. X

I feel like shit too. Down in the dumps a lot for no reason. Getting fed up of my sciatica, sore to walk and sleep with :( Tired all day, wide awake at night. And now I've started thinking how at the end I won't suddenly feel energetic and less tired cos ill have a baby to look after. And I suddenly feel guilty after I think like that. All I do is worry worry worry, with lots of emotional moments. Hurry up May!! Xxx

We'll get there! I just completely forgot how much pregnancy friggs with ur emotions! And I obviously forgot how decrepit it can make you feel too! I just know, come April (and it had better bloody be April!) it's all gonna be worth it. Just doesn't stop me bitching now though!! Lol

Hugs to you too Emma!! Xxx
Big hugs lovely......not long to go now and I'm sure other people with kids already worry about sharing their time but I'm sure it'll all fall into place when Lo arrives. X

Thanks hun xxxx
I feel exactly the same & im not even as far on as u!
constant sickness, headaches, backaches, exhaustion, doctors demanding bedrest etc! its all getting too much for me!x

Aww Hun, hope this passes for you! How far gone are you? (I can't see ur ticker if u have one as I'm on my phone) When I was in Tri 1 and 2 for a little while there was no let up from feeling crap :-( I then had quite a good run of feeling fairly energised so I'm sure it will arrive for you soon enough babe.

Hang in there and moan on here like me if you need to!!

*big hugs*


Thanks Lex,

Im 22 weeks, ridiculous that im still vomming isnt it?! Im hoping for energy boosts soon :) x

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