
Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I know Keeley is still young... But i am worrying about the MMR :(

I dunno whether to save up and get them done separetly(sp)

What are you going to do???
Its a personal choice and one that everyone has an opinion on. Go with what feels right for you, it can be tough going against the "norm" (I keep getting it in the neck from the HV and Dr) but read around and see what YOU think, no-one else. I personally don't think there is a right or a wrong way with this.
its personal choice.. hun

both my eldest have had it, and havent had any ill effects from it, but i was worried about them having it, i did loads of internet research and decided it was right for them.. and bailey will have it as well

but its what ever you decide :hug:
From what I have heard / read, if you go for the MMR (we will do), make sure your LO is completely well when he goes for it. If he/she has a cold or anything like that then delay it.
both my other 2 had the MMR, although i worried each time & Louie will also have it done, when i enquired about a seperate jab for Louie, i was told that they will only do single vaccines if they've had all the jabs done this way (if that makes sence :lol: )
i enquired about him having his 4 month jab done privately as they made him wait till he was nearly 6 months for it, so i wanted to pay.

its up to you though Nic :hug:
Dior had hers done and was fine nothing wrong with her after no temperature nothing

Harley had his done and was so poorly, we was so ill for a good week sweating loads and came out in a rash top to bottom

here i took a pic of him at the time to send to my friend who was a Dr to ask what the rash looked liked, here is my poor we man (with his sisters dunnny lol)


apparently 5% of babies will get a measles like rash.

i think for my next child i will have to think about it alot more
Aaron had the MMR and was quite poorly after. He had the rash which comes up about a week after and is totally normal, it's just the measles part of the jab working. I'm glad he had it though and will give every child of mine the MMR. He was fine after a couple of days!
Arianna is booked in for it on the 18th August for hers :(

To be honest I am not looking forward to it but at the same time she needs it done and the percentage of who is affected to who isnt is so slim.

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