

Aug 24, 2014
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Just had my confirmation scan today.... little one has stopped growing and no heartbeat. Im booked in for d&c on tuesday. .. ive cried a river today and still need to cry some more.
Aww hun, im so sorry for your loss, Theres no words to say really other than try and be strong and remember you have a lot of suuport on here if you need it xxx
Sending you hugs xx. I had my mmc confirmed on Thursday evening and have done the same (although I am hoping to wait for everything to pass naturally). I had the same thing in 2011, so I can say from experience that it does get easier. I try to think that it just wasn't my time. Take care xx
So sorry, it always seems so cruel. look after yourself x

if you've got any questions about things before the d&c just ask xx
So sorry for your loss. Just know that there are lots of ladies who know what you're going through - never feel like you are on your own. My thoughts are with you for Tues.
Im so sorry for your loss! Xx
So sorry hun, I went through the same so any questions please ask or just to talk xxx
Hi, just a wee note to send you lots of strength and support for today. I have had two MMC's at 11.5weeks and 10weeks and I had a D&C both times, physically the procedure was ok - no pains & only spotting afterwards, emotionally I found time and talking about it has helped me to work it out in my head. Take care xxx
so sorry hun how you doing? we had a scan yesterday, I should have been 14+4 weeks but baby had no heartbeat, had stopped growing around 14 weeks.. i have had to have a tablet and then go in tomorrow for pessaries to hopefully remove everything… it's so heartbreaking, i don't think its sunk in properly yet I'm dreading tomorrow :( you're not alone x
So sorry sweetheart, its very hard I know. Wishing you loads of strength. Big hug. xxx
dmk30 I had a loss three years ago at 14 weeks and like you my body wasn't miscarrying naturally so I also had to have the pessaries. Just pm me if you'd like to chat! It was an incredibly hard day but I did feel a lot better in time! I know how you feel it's so heartbreaking to think you've got past that 12 week mark and everything is gonna be okay for it not to be. Good luck for tomorrow xxxx

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