mmc confusion


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2014
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I should of been 12 weeks tomorrow. Went for my scan today to find out baby stopped growing at 6 Weeks. I can't believe I've had no miscarriage symptoms and still feel pregnant. I'm 100% certain with my dates.
I'm so sorry , with my second missed misscarriage I still felt slightly sick before and after my scan , it's very cruel and a massive shock I really am sorry and know how you are feeling. It will probably take you a while to get your head round what's happened so get as much support as you can and take it easy xxxxxx
Thank you, I still can't quite believe it. I went to the doctors at 6 week's because I had slight spotting and they refused to give me a scan. Feel like I've wasted a lot of time and effort for nothing :-(
I'm sorry for your loss too xxx
I had no signs anything was wrong and symptoms were still there. Scan at 8 weeks that I arranged just for piece of mind all fine and hb there even. Come 12 week scan growth had stopped and no heart beat anymore. No spotting or cramps. Does seem so cruel that your body carries on. Hope you're ok, will take time to get your head around it all x
Thank you, I know it awful that your body just Carrys on, if you are going to try again you should get a scan next time to ease your mind it's horrible having to wait all that time an I know that feeling like you've wasted a lot of time it's just not fair . I hope you can get some rest tonight .I found I just liked having cuddles off my partner. it's nice to have someone looking after you at times like this xxxx
Next Time if the doctors refuse an early scan I'll go privately and have one. Did anyone continue to have a natural mc? I'm booked in the hospital next week to discuss my options, there will have been no heartbeat for 7 weeks by then. My hubby who's normally rubbish at Tue support stuff has been really good. Think he's hurting too poor sod xx
I had erpc about 4 or 5 days after finding out about mcc. I continued to have no signs of there being anything wrong at all. After finding out I was a bit paranoid if start getting bleeding but it never happened
I think I'll definitely go for the op. Don't think I can bear to wait for it to happen naturally
Everyone seems to pick what feels right for them and partner. Natural didn't seem an option as we were going away in a couple of weeks, medically managed I just could've my head around at all so op was very quickly what I went for. But it's what ever your preference is. Any questions about op I'll do my best to answer x
I think the op is the way forward as I'm guessing your hormones go back to normal quickly-ish and there's less chance of anything being retained. That's my main worry. Thank you for your advise x
As with all things it varies for everyone, it took a long time for my hormones to go back down but I think which ever option I went with it was going to. It I think does mean less chance if anything being retained and think its uncommon for anything to be.
i found out on 18th feb i ad mmc and on 19th feb ad surgical management to remove everything. i spotted for 10 days and after 7 days tested negative.. so sorry for yr loss x
So sorry for your loss holly :hugs: I had a mmc before my son. I found out at 11 weeks that I didn't get past 5.5weeks, my hospital wouldn't offer any medical management or an op and I mc naturally at 12+4wks. I unfortunately had an incomplete mc and bled for 9 weeks before I was finally offered the op. I bled for 12 days post op and af returned after 28days. xx
I'm so sorry for your loss such a horrible thing to happen. I also had a mmc in Sept last year, I had no bleeding or pain, i only discovered it as i had a private scan at 6+2 but only measured 4+5, was advised to have another scan in 10days which i did with NHS (Had to fight for this) baby had no h/b, went back after another 10 days and still no h/b. Had an erpc 3 days later. I wish you all the best hun and take care of yourself xx
So sorry to hear your awful news, Holly. Thinking of you hun xx
I can't believe it's so common. Didn't even know it existed before yesterday. I think I'll fight for an op as soon as possible kanga, that's absolutely disgraceful leaving you to get on with it, what if you picked up an infection.

Thanks for the support ladies. Still feeling pretty rubbish today. Not liking the idea of being in limbo
Hi holly, sorry to hear your sad news, it's a horrible feeling, I have had 2 MMC's over the last 18months with my first MMC I got scanned at 11weeks and the baby had stopped growing between Week 6 & 8, it was a surreal feeling when I found out, I felt like someone had crushed all the hopes I had built up since I found out I was pregnant. I opted for the D&C, it was my very first time in hospital but the anaesthetic and procedure went fine, I had no pain, I had light spotting for about 10 days and I ovulated again 22days after the D&C. It's a crap thing to happen, but I felt the D&C avoided the trauma of miscarrying at home, I had a friend who went the natural route and she did not recommend it , she found it quite frightening. Take care and get support from friends and family x
Thank you for your advise Clementine, I feel exactly the same way, had so much all planned out in my head. It looks like I'll be going in for a d&c next Friday. The waiting is horrible but my other half is being great :) x

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