missed miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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i am currently going thru a mmc yesterday i had slighty brown stained discharge its cleared up now. Could this be the start of my natural mc. i just want it over and done with xx baby dated 6 weeks. should be 12 weeks this week xx
I had light bleeding for nearly a week before my actual mc.

The mc itself lasted a few hours with on and off pain like contractions, bright red heavy bleeding and passing large clots.

I'm so very sorry for your loss hun and I hope everything happens smoothly and quickly for you.

So sorry youre going thru this this is what we went thru and its just awful - i thought i was miscarrying naturally as had bleeding nothing much tho so explained to doc at hosp (who had too much attitude for my liking so i gave her my attitude) once i had medical treatment (pessaries didnt work so i had oral tablets ) an hour after i had the tablets thats wen it all kicked off id say in total the worst bit of it lasted couple hrs i felt sick dizzy thought i was gonna pass out - then it eased pain wise i was still bleeding

The following morning i passed quite large clots wen doc examined me then doc had to remove the placenta

Bleeding stopped after couple days but did come an go lightly more discharge

Huge hugs hun xx
Hey, I am so sorry for your loss.
I too had a mmc - in September. I had spotting from 6 weeks but nothing much. After my mmc had been discovered at the scan at 10 weeks I started to bleed more. Sat = found out at private scan. Tues = confirmed at hospital.
I started with cramps that tuesday night when i started to pass the sac. The miscarriage lasted until thursday morning for me when the last bit of sac came out. I bled for a week and a half after that.
Everyone is different and I've always had heavy AFs.
Hope this is it starting for you. I really wanted it to be natural (again its a personal choice). But the wait is awful knowing what's coming.
Look after yourself. Xxx
yeah the discharge stopped. i suspect i may have to have the pessary xx

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