

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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I want my own body back. The more I am overdue, the more pain I suffer. Most days I feel like I want to throw myself off the roof. Cant sleep at night because of pain in hips. Weight cuts off circulation to my legs. Walking is agony every step I take, can here back and hips grinding when I move. Sitting here at computer is agony too, any food I have eaten feels like it will come back up at any second + I feel like I may pass out.

Baby has dropped so low, I am surprised she doesn't fall out! The pressure on my hips is immense.

I want my baby doll to be born. Everything is ready for the arrival of baby, got too much clothes really. Everyone has been so generous.

I have tried everything to encourage labour:

jumping up and down
going down stairs on bum
eating pineapple
drinking raspberry leaf tea
having a big O
pelvic floor exercises

Was told today that acupuncture works. Will be trying that next strait away!

Awww hun she'll arrive soon enough and you won't even remember all of this. She just loves her nice comfy water bed in mummy. :hug:
Aww Soozee - think you have just read my mind there with your post as I feel/am EXACTLY the same. I feel like I am going mad inventing symptoms of labour now!! Sending you hugs :hug:
Sooz you sound like you are really suffering. As soon as baby arrives you will forget all of this. Keep smiling honey bunch! :wave:
I really hope baby comes soon love, it sounds like your well and truly fed up now! :hug: Hang on in there...anytime now
The last time I posted here I was definitely fed up. It has taken me 4 months since the birth to get online again. Talk about a rough time! Who ever said childbirth was easy? I haven't had time to post since being induced on 18th November 2006. I think I will post my traumatic birth experience if I ever get the time! Thanks for support so many months ago!

Wow nice to hear from you i would love to hear about your birth story when you got time how are you and your angel?
Very BIG hugs Soozee, I hope your LO makes their very much wanted arrival real soon :hug:
Lots of labour dust your way soozee :hug: and sarah...Im 39wks and 1 day too...ooooh wonder who's first! :D

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