miserable :'(


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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As you all know I gave birth on December 13th 2010, to a beautiful little boy called Andrew.

I then went on the Depo Provera on 7th Jan 2011 so I would not fall pregnant, and was due my next one on 1st April but didnt have it till 9th April.

I had been to the doctors on various occasions with stomach ache and was diagnosed with PID ( Pelvic inflamatory disease).. but then on 12th May I started bleeding quite heavy clots in and everything, with a + pregnancy test, I rang the doctors for a Emergency appointment to get to the doctors to find out I was miscarrying, I was sent for a emergency scan at EPU to find out my baby had gone! .. I was ok with it at first because of Andrew being just 5 months but then when i went to bed at the night it hit me with full force.
Then came the what ifs? what if it was my little girl? what if i hadn't got my injection (as i was refused it at family planing so went behind there back & went to the GP).

I killed my baby & i feel so bad.. I want another now because of my loss and i don't know how to tell my partner.

(sorry for the poor grammar ive got Andrew lay in one arm):)
Oh sweetheart...what an awful thing to happen. Please don't blame urself - not ur fault. Thinking of u and we're all here for you. It's an awful thing to go through.... x x x
I can't handle it! I need my second child back where he/she belongs the worst thing is is that I craved things for weeksad felt sick of a morning but thought that was the injection making me think it was. I trusted my injection something i will NEVER do again
So sorry Hun! I was full of what if's after I mc but its not your fault!! Hope your ok x x
ah charlene so sorry to hear this. speak to your oh about it. maybe its something you both want and can look at trying in a few months.

enjoy andrew hun. its not your fault what happen just remember that. xxx
I'm so sorry, please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault xxx
So sorry for your loss :( Please don't blame yourself :hug:

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