Miscarriage Question


Active Member
Jun 14, 2007
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As a few of you know already my girlfriend had a miscarriage on the 27th of december 2008 and she has not yet had her next period.
Could anyone tell me if this is normal or is it possible she maybe pregnant again?

Hope you can help.
It really depends on the person, hon. Mine went right back to normal after my m/c, but there are so many extra hormones floating around after a m/c that it can be anywhere from really quick to follow to taking a long time. Hope you both get an answer soon! :hug:
melissa5317 said:
It really depends on the person, hon. Mine went right back to normal after my m/c, but there are so many extra hormones floating around after a m/c that it can be anywhere from really quick to follow to taking a long time. Hope you both get an answer soon! :hug:

Thanks for your reply :D
I had my m/c on the 14th December and didn't get my af until 16th January (33 days, which is about right for me). According to my dr he reckoned it normally takes anything between 4-6 weeks after the m/c before your period starts.

I hope your girlfriend's doing ok.

She is also wanting me to ask when did most of you do a test after a miscarriage?
Its now a month since our miscarriage.
When I miscarried I bled for about 2 weeks and the got my period 28 days later, but this was the only "normal" cycle for me, I then went 30 days, then 32, and then 35! The following month was when we conceived but I had no idea when to test so in the end I tested at day 34 as I thought it would probably show up and it did.

Hope you're both doing ok. :hug:
i *think* the further along a pregnancy is in a miscarriage, the longer it takes for HCG (pregnancy hormone) to come out of the system. pregnant womens levels double every 2 days, and after miscarriage they halve every 2 days (this is what my EPU told me) so the higher levels take longer to come out. i'd imagine its not possible to get pregnant while the hormone is still there coz ur body *thinks* its still pregnant if that makes sense?

when i miscarried i was spotting for 2 weeks, and also getting BFP's for nearly 2 weeks also. i was only 5 weeks (and 2 days i think) when i miscarried so had only been actually pregnant for 2 weeks, so what they said makes sense it took the same amount of time to get back to normal. i would think that however many weeks pregnant your gf was it probably takes the same amount of weeks for her hormones to completely disappear.

i was taking my temps after my miscarriage, and i believe that cycle i was perhaps infertile, because it looks like my luteal phase was only 10 days. but the very next cycle i was obviously fertile because i conceived. i kno at least 2 girls on here tho who conceived straight after a miscarriage so its still possible. x x x x
Am really sorry to hear of your girlfriend's miscarriage. After mine i didn't get a period for 3 months! My GP said although in most cases a woman's period will return 4-6 weeks later, it can take upto 6 months. I would expect your girlfriends cycle will return to normal soon though. Good luck :hug:
I was told 4-6 weeks as well. I miscarried a few days before your girlfriend and I am still waiting too. I think I may have only just ov'd so it will probably be another 2 weeks for me.

All the best
when i had my m/c last year i got AF back 5 weeks after
Well my girlfriend has ben on her first period since her miscarriage and it lasted 4 days, is this normal?
Hi I am sorry to hear about your loss
Sadley i am a miscarraige patient i have lost quite a few babies at 10wk and 8wks and
i have also had a early miscarriage at nearly 5 wks My last loss was march just gone with Twins
which was a 2mth pregnancy loss.

When i have lost my babies as late as 10wks and 8wks i have a dnc to remove pregnany
Sorry i have not read your story how many wks was your girlfriend ?

When i lost my babies at 10wks and 8wks i bled straight after
which lasted about 10 days and then i got my next period about 4 wks after which when i did
start to bleed again that lasted about 7 days and took my cycle to a 32 or 35 day cycle

When i bleed with my early miscarraige as early as 5wks i started to bleed for 7 days like a normal
period then started another period about 4wks after which went back to a 28 day cycle
Every body is different they say its very easy to get pregnant again after being pregnant
as your hormone levels are low because of pregnancy e.g because you have not long been
pregnant ....

So as soon as your girlfriend started to bleed with her miscarraige her ovarys
was already producing more follicels meaning eggs to get pregnant again so if you had
sex round the time that egg come out there is still a possible chance she could of got pg
again even though she had just recently lost a pregnancy ..

I have read a few storys about ladies getting pregnant straight after a pregnancy loss
infact am sure i read one on here a few mths back the story i remember reading was
the lady never seen another bleed after the bleed she lossed with baby because she was pg again..

So when she lost her pregnancy she started to bleed correct ??
then since that she has had another bleed which lasted 4 days is that correct ?

so how many weeks after did this 4 day bleed start after the bleed she had with her loss ?
and when was that ? because her bleed in december is her pregnancy loss bleed
then if she has had a 4 day bleed in january you would need to work out exact
How long after her pregnancy loss bleed this 4 day bleed started ..
So you can work out a cycle so you can then know if she was very late or not and if she could be pg

The pregnancy hormone from her pregnancy in december would be out of her system
by now as it been over a month its now the 3rd of feb so maybe its best to get a pg
test at least it will tell you whats happing pregnant or not pregnant

Good luck x

Thanks so much for your reply.
My girlfriend has just finished a 4 day period today, and it was 5 weeks after the miscarriage.
Also she was 6 weeks pregnant the doctor said before she misscarried.
Hi this sounds good you would expect to see another bleed after a loss
4 or 5wks after so it sounds like her cycles are going back to normal and does not sound like
she is pregnant but if you both wanted to try again you could start trying now she has seen
another bleed you would expect her to have another bleed in another 4 wks ..
So now if you both unsure of being pregnant you can use a pg test as the hcg from her
last pregnany is out of her system now so you would not get any false positives ,
Good luck guys :)

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